chapter 17

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silvers POV

my head was hurts really bad but i still opened my eyes. i winced at the light but when i could see i was pinned to a wall by metal, like a huge strip around my waist, feet, each arm, and my chest. the door opened and lou walked in. 

"look sleeping beauty's up" he smirked. 

"what do you want from me?" i ask, my voice scrachey. 

"i want to know were your father is" 

"i dont know" i growl.

"of corse you dont, but furry has a good idea. your just the trade off" he smirked and let out an evil chuckle. 

"he wont come for me, no one even likes me, your wasteing your time" i scoff.

"thats why i grabed more then one of you" he grinned.

"who?" i gasp.

"the other girl, not the one with the pink hair, the one with the red" he laughs "let say hi" "BERNY BRING HER IN" he yelled. a tall ruff man dragged cassie in. 

"CASSIE" i yell.

"SILVER" she yelled and tryed fighting the guy off. he slamed her to the wall and she was locked in just like me. "fancy seeing you here?" 

"why is it always us? why cant it be the................. the 'its'" i dont really want to call something heartless human. 

"why you? i've taken a likeing to you two" lou smirked "i may just keep you alive and make you my... servents" 

"i would rather die" i growl. he pushed a butten and a huge shock went through me. i screamed in pain. 

"i make that desition sweetheart, and dont worry only yours does that" he laughed and walked out. 

"c-cassie" my voice shaked.


"im scared" i try not to cry but the tears roll down my face "im really really scared" 

"its ok, silver, the boys will come for us" she wispered.

"no they wont" my whole body went strait "they only think were toys and what does a kid do when the lose their toy? they get a new, better, one"

"but, what if they do come?" she wispers.

"then boys really are confussing" i laugh a little. 

"right" she laughed too. 

some tall guy came in and unlocked me. he pulled me into a room and tyed me to a chair. i opened my mouth to ask what he was doing but a sharp pain in my arm made me scream in pain. 

"no talking" he said ruffly. i nodded really fast. he punched me in the jaw and my head snapped to the right. he cut me and beat me up for maybe thrity minutes stright then carried me back into the room cassies eyes went wide went she saw me and he slamed me into the wall and locked me up. 

"silver?" she wispered i just groned in pain. "i hope they come soon" i nodded and hiss in pain. 


its been four days, very little food, and daily beatings, they only hurt me so i take it for both of us. 

"i dont think their going to come" i wisper to her.

"i was just thinking the same thing" she was crying. 

"hey its ok, im fine, just a little sore" i try to calm her down. 

"how about we step the play dates up" lou smirked and pulled me down ruffly. this was the first time, he ever been here to hurt me. "you see, im gettin bored and i thought, if my little birdies tell me correctly, jason has a little bit of a soft spot for you. so lets film this shall we?" he pulled into a new room with a pole with hand cuffs on it. he cuffed me to the pole and pulled something out. i heard a snap and white hot pain shot through my body but mostly my lower back. i screamed and he smirked. "i just read that book, the mocking jay books i think. you know with that girl katniss? yes well, i love that part were gale is being wipped and i thought 'isnt this just perfect for silver'. now here we are" he smirked and he wipped me again. i screamed and shut my eyes thightly. i was wipped maybe twenty times more when some guy rushed in.

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