chapter 15

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silvers POV 

i woke up and felt someones arm around me. i snuggled into them. i think it was jason. 

"quick, take a picture!" i heard a girly voice wisper. i put my middle finger up, just as there was a flash. 

"silver, your awake. you two selpt all day!" 

"shut up, im sleeping here" i growl. 

"you have to get up! its four in  the afternoon!" the girl, im pretty sure it was cassie.

"five more mintues" i mumble into jasons shoulder. 

"if you dont get up, im going to scream" cassie sighed. 

"be my guest" i growl. 

"fine" i heard the biggest fangirl scream ever follow. jason fell out the bed and i opened my eyes to see his head shoot up.

"wheres the fire!" he yells.

"no fire, just annoying best friends" i mumble. 

"shouldnt you guys be in school?" jason asks looking at them strangly well sitting on the bed and helping me sit up. 

"well we would be if it wasnt FOUR TWENTY IN THE AFTERNOON!" theo yells.

"bro, chill out" i mumble as his yelling was makeing my head hurt. 

"sorry" he looks at this shoes. 

"well what did you bring me?" i ask.

"phone, ipod, laptop and chargers" cassie laghs.

"have i ever told you i love you?" i laugh grabing my bookbag full of stuff to do.

"of corse you have babe, i love ya too" cassie laughs.

"are you sure you two arent dating?" theo and jason ask at the same time. 

"are you sure you two arent?" i ask glaring at them.

"truce!" both guys yell.

"good because there would have been no stoping me" i laugh and lay my head on jasons shoulder. 

"are you still tried?" theo laughs. 

"no he smells good" i go to shrug my shoulders but hiss in pain. 

"are you ok? where does it hurt?" jason asks really fast. 

"im fine i just shouldnt shrug for a little while" i laugh and pat his head. 

"well we have to go, got homework to do" theo grabs cassies hand.

"since when do i do homework?" cassie pulls her hand back. he wispers in her ear and she smiles really big, "you know, i should go and make up some more pranks for when silver come back, you can help me pull them off" she smiles at me, gives me a quick side huge and they run out the room. 

"strande children" i laugh and lay back down. jason lays beside me. 

"that they are" he laughs.

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