chapter 11

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jasons POV

all the girls fell asleep so each guy carryed one girl up. we layed them down in their beds.

"i think we should sleep in here" theo sighs. when we look at him confused he says "you know, in case that guy comes back? then we'll be right here to protect them" we all agree and grab blankets, our pillows and get changed into our p.j's. we put our blankets beside each girls bed and layed down.

i was facing silver and both guys fell asleep. silver slowly opened her eys and truned onto her back. she huffed sighed. "can't sleep?" i ask after a few minutes. she wips aourd and faces me. "didnt mean to scare you" i laugh quietly.

"why are you in here?" she asks.

"all the guys are. we wanted to be in here tonight" i shrug.


"because if that guy came back here for you or one of the other girls, we would be right here" i look down blushing.

"well then why are you on the floor?" she smiles and pats beside her " its softer up here. come sleep with me"

" i dont know, if they wake up and see us-" i sigh. she giggles and points behind me. i look over and see theo in cassies bed and ty in jennys bed. i laugh and climb in with silver. she snuggles up into my side and puts her head on my chest.

"better?" she asks.

"yes, thank you" i wisper putting my arm around her. when her breath went even and steady, i knew she was asleep.

i couldnt help but start thinking. i didnt even think about going after her when she was gone and when she said to say away from her and how no one cares about her, i got this really bad chest pain and i almost cryed when she broke down crying. i really do think im falling for her. i know she wont feel the same about me but hope is enough but then again she screamed my name when she needed help. it could of been anyone or everyone but it was my name. she wanted me. it sent a simle on my face at the thought and i fell asleep with that smile on my face.

silvers POV

i woke up and found jasons face right next to me. i gasped and finally took a good look at him. his boyish looks made my heart skipped a beat.

i crawled out of his grasp and roll over so my back was to him. he pulled me into his chest so my back was to his chest. i laughed and climbed out of his grasp. i headed down stairs and grabed some captin crunch. i poured it into a bowl with milk. i grabed a spoon and headed into the living room. i sat down on the couch and turned the TV on. i was filping through the chanles when i came across music ondemand (a/n bell users! am i righ?party!!!!) i played amnesia by 5sos and turned it up.

cassie walked into the room and sat next to me. "we should go into town today" i sigh.

"sure lets go tell the guys" we head upstairs. the guys were just getting up. "hey me and silver are going into town today. just wanted to let you know" cassie states.

"no your not" jason sighs.

"exuse you?" i ask.

"you cant go into town silver. i cant have you getting hurt again" he sighs. and walks out the room. the rest of the guys follow.

i huff and get dressed. i put on black high waisted shorts, a white crop top and neon green convers. cassie puts on a starbucks loose top and light blue jean shorts and blue conbat boots.

"ok why are we getting ready?" cassie asks.

"because, they cant tell us what do" i shrug and braid my hair. "im going to take the red out my hair" i sigh.

"why?" cassie asks "it so pretty"

"im just bored of it and its fadeing" i shrug and open the window. i pull out some paper and write a note saying 'you shouldn't tell us what to do' and lay it on my bed. i grab my skateboaard and earphones. i jump out the window and cassie follows. i play a little more work by kira isabella. i blast it and take off down the street.

cassie stays right beside me. she was blasting her music. i turned into the side walk and started looking for a hair salon. heartbreak girl by yes 5sos came on and i found a hair salon. i walk in and the girl looks up and smiles.

"hi can i help you?"

"yes i was woundering if you could take the red out my hair and dye it perimently black?"

"ya sure, your name?"


"is that short for anything" she asks well leading me back to the hair swashing area.

"ya, its short for silver moon" i sigh waits for her to ask.

"thats pretty" she smiles. she washes my hair and then takes the red out. she dyes it black and blow drys it. she straitens it and i walk over to the counter. "that will be 400 dollors please" i pay her the money and walk out. when cassie sees she wistles. i laugh and do a spin.

"you like?" i ask.

"no, I LOVE" she yells. i laugh and get on my board. i play she looks so perfect. we take off and head back to the school.

we were going to climb back up but then relised that it was to high. "well we're going to get yelled at anyway" i shrug. we pick up our boards and walk up the stairs. i hit play and walk in. jasons head snaps up and he walks over to me. he was yelling but i kept walking.

just as i got to my room, my freaking phone died. i sigh and take my earphones off and jason is standing behind me steaming.

"hey silver i like your hair!" jenny says walking out the room.

"thanks!" i laugh doing a small spin, making my hair wiping jason in the face. i giggle and he pickes up a few strands and stares at it. "do you like it?" i ask.

"what do you mean? nothing diffrent" he asks.

"red?" i say in a duh tone "its all black now" i sigh.

he looks at it all. "it looks nice" he mumbles and walks away.


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