chapter 14

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here it is! hope it wasn't too long of a wait!

silvers POV

after hearing what jason said i ran, i dont know why but i kind of hurt. i mean i know im not nice, but i could be a whole lot bitchyer to him, in my standers i have been very nice to him.

a walked into the room and saw everything a mess. what the hell?

i closed the frount door and walked in, the guy i almost ran into at te park was sitting calmly in the room. 

"ahhh silver, glad you could make it" he smirked. 

"why the hell are you in here and how the fucking hell do you know my name?" i ask. 

"im in here for you and did they really not give you my picture? let me introduce my self, my name i lou son of loki" he smirked at me.

"what do you want with me?" i ask.

"to send a message" he smirked. the threw a knife at my head and i ducked. i hit the wall where my hed was only a second ago. three more followed and i ran up the stairs. i ran into the bathroom and close the door. just before i locked it he kicked the door and walked in. its like you want to be kidnapped" he laughed and smashed my head into the mirror, it stattered and cut up my forehead. "now lets get out of here before prince charming shows up shall we" he laughs at his own joke.

"your sick" i growl before he smashes my head off the sink and knocking me out. man that going to hurt when i come too.


i woke up and i was hanging from a ceiling by my hands. my head was killing me and my mouth was dry. i could tell by the smell i was in the sewer. the coor opened and a large guy walked in. he walked over and started to punch me in the face and stomach, and when i turned away, in the side. he left after what felt like forever.

i dont know how long i hung there untill another guy came and looked at me. he sighed and put a bottle of water to my lips. i took a drink and never swallowed and spat it in his face, "im not stupid bastered" i growl. i know that they put something in it. he laughed and puched me in the face. 

he walked out and i hung there for what, once again, felt like hours. the door open slowly, what eles are they going to do to me.

i could barley move, let alone breath. i door opened more and five people came in, oh joy! group beatings. 

"silver?" some wipsers. i couldnt tell who they were but i know them. i still filinched when they reached out. they untied my heads and a pair a very fermilar strong arms cought me.

"we should get out of here, she needs help, fast" the person holding me wispered to the others. i was trying really hard to make my vison clear up but it only made my head hurt more. "easy baby, i'll get you fixed up soon" the person wispers in my ear. 

i felt running and then i was careful put on someones shoulder and they were climbing. then just as we came into daylight, i passed out from pain. 

jasons POV

holding her, she felt so weak, like if i were to hold her tightly, she would break in half. the doctor took her out my arms and they told me i had to wait to go in and see her.

i sat outside the room, across the hall. staring at the door. after two hours the doctor came out.

"shes awake, you can go see her in a second, she has i minnor cunshtion and stiches in her forehead made from the glass from the mirror, she also has two brokrn ribs. you can go see her-" i didnt let the doctor finish, i ran through the door. 

"silver!" i yell seeing her looking at her lap bored. 

"dude chill out, major headache over here" she mumbled grabing her head. 

"sorry" i say looking down at my feet.

"dont be sorry, just get your butt over here and hug me!" she laughs. 

i laugh and run over, i grab her and hug her thightly.

"easy tiger, broken ribs" she laughs into my shoulder. i let her go and mumble 'sorry'. i sat down and everyone came in. 

"silver!" they yelled.

"mother of all things holly, whats with people yelling my name like jeez im right here, no need to yell" she laughs. 

they all say sorry and cassie ran over and hugged her. "cant-breath" silver gasps.

"you can breath later, i need to hug my best friend right now" cassie mumbled.

"you'll be hugging a dead body in a minute if you dont loosen your grip in a minute" jenny laughs seeing silvers red face. it slowly started to go purple. cassie let go but silver kept gasping.

"cant- breath" silver mangaed to croak out.

"DOCTOR!" theo yell out the door.

"everyone out!" the dotor yelled and a neruse pushed us all out the room.  cassie started crying thinking that its all her fault. 

"cassie its not your fault" theo comforts her by hugging her. 

"theo is right, unless you gave her cinamon then its not your fault" the doctor sighs walking.

"is she ok?" i ask.

"yes shes fine, just recation, who gave her cinnamon?"  the doctor asked us.

"none of us" i say. 

"they must have some how found out and given it to her, not alot but anoff to give her recation" the doctor sighs.

"whats up with the cinnamon?" theo asks.

"she deadly alergic to cinnamon" cassie sighs. 

"can i go see her?" i ask the doctor.

"no, visting hours are over, sorry" the doctor sighs. 

"jason is going to stay with silver from now on, incase anythink eles happens to her" furry sighs from behind us "and the rest of them will have to go back and attend school classes" furry looks at cassie with a knowing look "no one but jason is to be here during or before school hours" 

they all nodded and walked off "you go in jason" the doctor nodds to the door.

i open it and silver was staring at the ceiling. "hey" i say softly.

"what are you doing here? vosting overs ended two minutes ago" she wispers. 

"i have to stay with you, just incase. furrys orders" i say sitting in the chair beside her.

"were will you sleep?" she asks softly.

"in the chair or on the floor i guess. i'll be fine" i shrug. 

she moved over softly and groans after she hit her hip on the side of the bed. "what are you doing?" i ask standing up.

"your not sleeping like that, come sleep with me" she sighs and pats the spot beside her. i carefully got in and layed down beside her. she snuggled into my side and puts her head on my shoulder. "see better?" she asks.

"thanks" i smile at her. she nodds and has her eyes closed. "go to sleep, i'll be right here when you wake up, all night" i wisper and kiss her forehead.

"why do you always do that?" she asks sleepily.

" i dont know, my mother did it to me" i sigh. 

"its sweet" she mumbles "your sweet" she smiles and breaths in "and you smell good" she laughs and opens one eye.

i laugh "i think we've been over this before" but all i got in reposns was her soft breathing "sweet dreams" i wisper to her sleeping body and fell asleep holding her. i've never selpt better. 

Teen avengersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora