"Jimin will you be patient?" Jin tried grabbing his friend who would not stand still, constantly bouncing on the balls of his feet and walking in circles.

"I can't Jin! I'm too excited!" Jimin told him as Jin rolled his eyes, but he couldn't help admire how cute Jimin was. I mean, he was finally reunited with Taehyung in what could be a few minutes.

The rule had finally passed through and elves were allowed into the real world, under the strict rules of ears covered at all times whether it be a potion or a hat. But Jimin could not care less as all he cared about was seeing his protecter, otherwise the love of his life again.

Since they bumped into one another that day, it had been intense being around the both of them. Both knowing the rule had been passed but they had to wait and all they could both talk about was each other.

Jin was at his wits end and Jungkook was ready to punch Taehyung, the werewolves nodding their heads and smiling. But none of them understood. Taehyung and Jimin were madly in love and their love was known throughout all the creatures. It was a unique story of how it came to be after all but it wasn't just that.

No two creatures had ever felt romantic love as strong as that between one another and it was a first for everyone. Taehyung and Jimin made it seem so natural and that's because it was.

Natural pure love was always the winner.

Jin had pushed for this rule, despite it being a long process after seeing Jimin cry so many times about how much he wants Taehyung back. Jin really began to feel sorry for his friend and decided enough was enough.

It took him nearly three years to even have Jimin as the test subject, but from then on it had only been a month for the rule to go through and all the leaders agree to it. It was time for Jimin to finally see his family again, his real family.
Of course he was at the front of the many elves waiting to get through the portal, everyone knew better than to go before Jimin who was desperate to get out of this place.

The other elves were just curious, the only elves who had seen the real world were Jimin and Jin after all.

Well after what felt like forever, the portal opened wider and Jin smiled, turning to Jimin who's eyes were wide and glossing over.

"What are you waiting for?" Jin asked as he gestured for Jimin to go and his friend didn't even hesitate. He took one look at the portal before he took off running, jumping through it and disappearing from the elf world.

The familiar transition feeling of floating came back before he felt his two feet land on a hard surface.

He opened his eyes and he couldn't stop the huge smile on his face. He remembered this place so well, he couldn't help but have a walk around.

Under the rock just behind the waterfall was where he and Taehyung had their first kiss, one of the best moments of his life. He remembered even now the way his lips felt against his own and he had been craving it for a long long time.

He remembered laying on the grass with Taehyung and Jungkook and sleeping under the stars wrapped up in Taehyung's protective and secure arms. He was crazy thinking leaving Taehyung and Jungkook behind was a good idea. After all, he wasn't even gone for five minutes when Hoseok found him.
He wondered how all the wolves and Jungkook were doing too. They were his friends even if some of them were trying to kill him, but he only ever heard of Namjoon from Jin who kept in loose contact. How were Yoongi and Hoseok? What about Jungkook? Is he okay?

He walked around the back of the rock, sighing as he leaned against it but as soon as the memory came back to him, he went all shy and giggly. This was the place he knew Taehyung loved him and he loved him back. He missed this memory, so so much.

Elves II: Rise of the Red Witch | VMin FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now