Chapter Sixteen

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AN: So this chapter is a little steamy and things get a bit heated between Selena and Damien, in a good way. There's nothing super explicit (lots of kissing, though), but I just thought I'd give you guys a fair warning. Anyways enjoy! Be sure to comment as you read and vote! Now onward and forward to Chapter Sixteen!



That night, I had returned to my room and changed into my pyjamas. I crawled into bed and tried to fall asleep to no avail. My mind was just too wired. So, I got up and went down to the kitchens and made myself a cup of hot chocolate. That usually calmed me down. I sipped on my cup of hot chocolate as I walked down the hall. Then I saw something that almost made me spit out my sip of hot chocolate.

Through an open door, I saw Damien standing on the balcony of his room. He was shirtless, which is what caused me to almost do a spit take. The moonlight highlighted his pale skin, toned body, and the black phoenix tattooed on his right shoulder. I know that Adonis was supposedly the most attractive man in all of Greek Mythology, but I'd always considered Hades to be the most attractive. And that's what Damien was. He was my Hades. Tall. Dark. Handsome beyond belief. Noble. Mysterious.

Something inside me was telling me that I had to go in there, but I resisted and just stood there, staring at him, like a love struck fool.

"I know you're there, Selena," I heard him say, "Come in."

I blushed a deep shade of red, feeling extremely embarrassed that I'd been caught admiring his beauty.

I entered his room and shut the door. I set my cup down and took in my surroundings.

The walls were black and so was the carpet. There was a black wardrobe in the far corner and the bed was made of black wood. The sheets of the bed were red and the blankets were black. The bed even had curtains hanging from the frame, which could be drawn to offer more privacy.

The whole room was Gothic and reiterated what Starlene had said about Cygnus Keep. Cygnus Keep is for flambyonant displays of wealth. This room looked like it was for someone wealthy.

I ventured out on to the balcony through the French doors. I walked over Damien's side.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare," I told him.

"It's fine," he replied. Then he gave me a playful smile "Did you see anything you liked?" he asked. I blushed. He chuckled at my reaction.

"You couldn't sleep either?" I asked once my blush had subsided.

"No," he replied, "I found that my mind was too wired to let me sleep."

"Mine too," I replied.

It was silent for a moment and then Damien turned me.

"What were you thinking about that kept you awake?" he asked, curiously.

"Blood sharing," I admitted.

Damien swallowed hard.

"I think I'm ready," I told him.

"Are you sure?" he asked as he inhaled sharply.

"Yes," I replied.

"You realize how far this could go?" he asked. I sort of knew what he meant. I had a feeling that somehow sharing blood could lead to other things, but that didn't matter. I wanted it. I wanted him.

"I have some idea," I admitted, "But I don't care. I want you, Damien. I think I have for a while now."

He turned to me and looked into my eyes. There was no hesitation there. He crashed his lips to mine and we stumbled into his room. He closed the balcony doors with his foot.

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