Chapter Thirty Two

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AN: So this is it. The last chapter of Blood of Darkness. There is a sequel, and it's up and complete. But anyway, hope you all enjoy and as always be sure to drop some comments as you read and let me know your thoughts! Now onward and forward to Chapter Thirty Two!



Damien was looking at me, waiting for an answer.

"I...I think so," I replied, "I don't know."

"You look like you've seen a ghost," he told me. Maybe I had. I mean I could have been seeing what could have been. Maybe the torture I went through at the Ivy Grove had caused me to lose our child. If that was the case, should I say anything? I needed to know for sure.

I looked up at my reflection in the mirror. I did look really pale. "We've been focusing on me and my grief for these last few days. Let's focus on you. Tell me what's wrong," Damien told me. My hands started to shake. Should I say anything? God what if I had lost it? What I had lost our son?

"Damien...I...I think we should sit down," I told him, my voice beginning to shake. He nodded and we sat down on the love seat by the window.

"You're shaking, Selena," he told me, "Are you cold?"

"'m terrified," I replied.

"Of what?" he asked.

"Everything," I admitted.

"What do you mean?" he asked before moving to kneel down on the floor in front of me, "Selena, tell me what's wrong."

In that moment I knew. I had to tell him. He'd never forgive me if I didn't and I'd never forgive myself either. Whatever happened after was something we'd face together and in my heart I knew that.

"Okay..." I replied as I took a deep breath, "Lately, I've been having these dreams and they're always in the same place. I'm in a little boy's room and there's a little boy there, about three years old. He's got black hair and brown eyes. I didn't think much of his appearance until I started noticing his little mannerisms. He's an artist. He loves the same picture book I did when I was three. And he has an immense aversion to sleeping at night, like you. He also wore the Drake crest. His brown eyes made me think he was a Mercer taken in by the Drake family. So I asked Malcolm if I had any siblings and he said I didn't. Then when I saw the boy again I started to put it all together. The crest, his favourite picture book, his sleeping habits, his black as night hair that looks exactly like yours, his brown eyes that are like mine. Do you get what I'm trying to say?!"

"You saw our son," Damien gasped.

He ran a hand through his hair, shocked. He let out a deep breath and said nothing for a moment as he tried to process that.

"How long?" he asked.

"From what I've figured out in my head, I got pregnant the night we shared blood," I admitted.

He let out another breath and ran his hands through his hair and then he stood up and began to pace, trying to get a grip and be strong for me.

"That's a little over two months," he whispered.

"I know," I replied, "But there's more."

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