Chapter Four

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"I understand if you're upset about being lied to all these years," Damien told me, "And I understand if you want nothing to do with our world. I'm not sure I would either if I were in your shoes. After my Father died and my siblings and I learned of the promise he made, we sent scouts to search for you. When they found you, we placed those three Fledglings around you, thinking that the danger in the human world would be minimal. We were wrong about that and I regret it deeply. Ella told me that you were a human and completely unaware of our world. Star gave Ella the pendant to give to you because we all believed that you deserved to have it. It was your Mother's."

"Why are you telling me all this?" I asked, shocked by his honesty. Damien was the first person to be totally upfront with me. He didn't hold anything back.

"Because you deserve to know, Selena," Damien told me, "If you don't want to join us in Cygnus Keep, I will not force you. I don't want you to do anything that you don't want to. However, just know that I want to protect you. Cygnus Keep is the safest place in our world."

Damien was being very sincere, I could see it in his eyes and I could feel the sincerity coming off him in waves. But could I trust him? He hadn't given me a reason not to and he had told me about our world. That in itself was a reassuring thought, since he could have just left me in the dark. He'd even offered to keep me safe. He didn't even know me. Could I trust him?

Yes I could. I felt safe around him, which was odd, I barely knew him.

I took a deep breathe and turned to Damien. My eyes met his and I spoke in an unwavering voice, knowing that my decision had been made and that it was the right one.

"I'll do it," I agreed, "I'll remain in Cygnus Keep under your protection."

Damien nodded.

"Would you like to go to Cygnus Keep now?" Damien asked.

I shook my head.

"I want to go home and ask Hayley some questions," I replied, "I need to know if she knew."

Damien nodded.

We stood and he led me out the door. We took the elevator down to the parking garage. We walked up to a black Mercedes and got into the car. We drove away and after about twenty minutes, we pulled up in front of the white house that I had called home for all these years. I took a deep breath and got out of the car. Damien followed suit.

"Would you like me to wait out here?" he asked.

"No, I don't think I can face her on my own," I admitted.

He nodded and followed me inside the house.

"Selena!" I heard my 'Mom,' Hayley, call out, "Is that you? I didn't think you were coming home tonight. I thought you'd be sleeping at Ella's. How was the—?" Hayley stopped short when she saw Damien and gasped.

"Your Majesty!" she gasped as she dropped to her knees. I was shocked. She knew! She knew about this world this whole time and didn't tell me!

"So you knew!" I gasped.

Hayley turned to look at me.

"Selena...I—" she began, but I cut her off.

"You knew about this world!" I spat angrily, "Did you know about my parents?!"

"I did. Your Mother entrusted you to me," Hayley told me, "She said that your Father asked the King to protect you, but that I was to raise you. You were only three."

"And you didn't think to tell me?!" I asked as my eyes filled with tears.

"There's a reason I didn't tell you," Hayley assured me, "Selena, the Mercer line is powerful and the less you knew the safer you were."

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