Chapter Thirty One

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AN: We're nearing the end folks. There's only one more chapter after this one. Hope you all enjoy and as always be sure to drop some comments as you read! Now onward and forward to Chapter Thirty One!



I glanced at Damien as Blaze said those words. He had gone pale and his eyes held shock.

"How much Hawthorn are we talking about here?" Gabriel asked.

"A field about the size of Cygnus Keep," Blaze replied, "I left a couple of scouts there to keep eye on the situation, while I came back here to inform you."

Gabriel cursed under his breath.

"Blaze, take your scouts and go back to the field," Damien told Blaze, "I want the Hawthorn burned."

"Be as covert as possible when you torch those fields, Blaze," Starlene told him, "We don't need any of the Hunters knowing that we know about their secret stash."

"It will be done," Blaze promised and he rushed out of the throne room.

I sensed Damien's concern and gently squeezed his hand. Then I heard Starlene's phone.

"Hi, you've reached Stefan Drake, I'm not available right now, so leave a message after the beep," I heard Stefan's voice say through Starlene's phone. Starlene hung up and sighed.

"I've called him forty times now and still no answer," Starlene admitted.

"Hey I called him just as many times," Sorina admitted.

"I admit that I tried calling Stefan as well," Gabriel admitted.

"We're all worried about him," Starlene admitted to Damien.

"I am too," Damien sighed.

"Can't the four of us go out and look for him?" Sorina asked.

"Rina, I would love to go out there myself, track Stefan down, and drag him home by his ear," Damien told his sister.

"There's a 'but' coming isn't there?" Sorina asked.

"But the four of us are what remains of the High Council of Vampires and I feel like we should show some semblance of stability at this point," Damien explained, "Show the Court that despite everything going on, the Drakes are here to serve their people."

Starlene sighed.

"I just wish that he'd call," Starlene admitted, "I mean, what if he's hurt or the Hunters found him?"

That got Gabriel's attention.

"Don't say that," Gabriel told his older sister.

"Come on, you're his siblings," I told them, "If anyone knows that Stefan can take care of himself, it's you guys. Besides, from what I've seen, Stefan isn't stupid. When he's backed into a corner, he isn't afraid to fight his way out."

"Very true," Damien agreed, "And furthermore, we won't find Stefan unless he wants to be found. Have the rest of you forgotten how good he is at hiding?"

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