Chapter Twenty Two

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AN: Hello everyone welcome back to another chapter of Blood of Darkness! Hope you all enjoy! Please don't forget to drop some comments as you read! I love hearing your thoughts about the story in the comments! Now onward and forward to Chapter Twenty Two!



I gently placed Selena in the backseat of the first car.

"Oh my god," Starlene gasped.

"She escaped on her own," Stefan added, shocked as well.

"That's no easy feat," Gabriel stated.

"She must be incredibly strong," Calder noted.

"We need to get her out of here," I told the others.

We got back in the cars and drove away. Starlene and I sat on either side of Selena. I wrapped my arms around her. Looking at her wounds, I realized that she didn't have enough blood in her to heal herself completely. I bit into my wrist and held it to her lips. My blood dripped down her throat and her wounds began to heal. I felt her grab my wrist and begin to drain it. My skin began turning paler than it already was. As much as I wanted to keep giving her my blood, I knew that I couldn't.

Starlene noticed my predicament and helped me pry Selena's hands off my wrist. I pried my wrist from her lips and gasped as it came loose. While she had been drinking from wrist, Selena had dug her fangs into my skin in order to keep it there.

The bite mark on my wrist healed and formed a scar, serving as a permanent reminder of these terrible five days.

Selena's eyes opened and she noticed my pallor. She glanced down at my wrist and realized what she had done.

"I'm so sorry," she told me.

"Don't be," I assured her, "Are you alright?"

"I am now," she replied.

"Sorry about almost running you over, Selena," Stefan told her.

"That's okay, Stefan," she replied, "I guess I gave you a scare."

"You gave us all a scare, Selena," Starlene told my girlfriend.

Selena then noticed Calder, who was sitting in the front seat. She looked at him curiously.

"Selena, this is Calder Sinclair, my best friend," I told her.

"Call me Cal. It's nice to meet you Selena," Calder replied, "I wish it were under better circumstances though."

"Nice to meet you too, Cal," Selena replied.

"Where do you want to go from here, Damien?" Stefan asked.

"The Dragon's Den," I replied, "We'll stay there for the night while Selena finishes healing."

My siblings and Calder agreed to the scheme.

"The Dragon's Den?" Selena asked.

"Our childhood home," I told her as we drove up to some wrought iron gates. They swung open and we drove through them. We went around the circular driveway and stopped in front of the door. My siblings and Calder got out of the cars and I stepped out the car before turning to Selena.

"May I?" I asked, wanting to carry her inside so she didn't strain herself.

She nodded and I scooped her up in my arms, carrying her towards the front door, bridal style.

Alexandra opened the door and we entered. I watched as Selena took in her surroundings. I didn't blame her, the Dragon's Den was grander and more gothic than Cygnus Keep.

Blood of Darkness | Eternal Bonds: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now