Chapter Four

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A month later

"Did you sleep well?" Johnny asked as he and Naomi were eating breakfast at his dorm room.
"It was okay" She answered.

She kept on eating but noticed that he couldn't stop staring.


He looked worried, like he really badly wanted to ask something but didn't think he should.

"Just spill it out" She encouraged.

He took a deep breath and said:

"Are you cheating on me?"
"What!? No! What gave you that idea?" She explained as she walked over to the kitchen aisle to place her empty plate in to the sink.
"Well then are you fantasizing about cheating?" He asked more questions.
"No... What's going on John? Why are you asking me all these questions?" She loaded the dishwasher.
"Well you know how I'm a light sleeper, right?" He explained and she nodded.
"Well yesterday I woke up in the middle of the night because you were moaning Mark's name really loud"

Her eyes widened and a moment of silence occurred as she stopped loading the dishwasher.

"Ohh, that" She said as she turned around to look at him.

He was not looking too happy.

"Yes. That. Explain. Now"
"I would love to... later because right now..." She took her stuff and was heading out the door.
"I have to... homework... do. Bye" She said as she quickly went out the door and basically ran to her room.


"You what?" Nini asked out of shock as she sipped her coffee at the café we were in right now.
"You heard me right... I had a sex dream about Mark. I think it was the best sex dream I've ever had" Naomi said as she sipped her bubble tea.
"Eww, that's my brother you're talking about" Nini replied.
"Right. Sorry. I keep forgetting you're siblings" Naomi laughed a little.
"So do you have feelings for Mark or something?" Nini asked.
"Well I think it's more likely that I had that dream because of I haven't had sex in a month"
"A month?" Nini was shocked.
"Well a month ago it was basically oral plus handsy stuff with Johnny. To be more correct I haven't had intercourse since spring"
"Spring?" Nini couldn't believe her eyes.
"Yeah. I mean what can you do when all of a sudden Johnny decides to go abroad. I mean yeah, we had phone/Skype sex but that's not the same. Before summer we had sex like five times a week but now we never have sex"
"I guess it's just because I've been so stressed out about schoolwork, projects and stuff. Usually when I roll in to bed I'm so tired that I fall asleep right away. I'm pretty sure that the reason he hasn't done anything regrettable is because he jerks off to my pictures and videos almost every day"
"So why haven't you?"
"I don't even remember the last time I was in the mood. My music teacher said that I should keep my head in the game and that I shouldn't distract myself with anything. It's so hard because I really need to get laid but then I'm afraid that I'm distracted afterwards... Ugh" Naomi whined.
"What I don't understand is why Johnny thought I was cheating on him? I mean where did he get that idea?" She continued.
"Well awhile back, he came to talk to me" Nini replied.
"Why?" Naomi asked.
"He was really worried that you were cheating on him with Mark" Nini explained.
"Why would he come to talk to you? He knows you hate him"
"Well maybe he thought that I would know something because I'm your best friend. Besides he has a point... You do spend an awful lot of time with Mark. You spend more time with him than your boyfriend or me"
"Yeah, I guess I do. It's just I haven't noticed it because I'm so used to hanging out with him every day"
"Well it's not normal for you to spend more time with him than Johnny"
"I know that now. It's just Mark makes me forget about all my stress and we just have fun and stuff" Naomi explained.
"Maybe you should try doing that with Johnny?" Nini asked.
"I don't know... Anyway how are you doing?" Naomi continued.
"Well there's actually something I've been meaning to tell you" Nini sounded nervous.
"What is it?"
"I... I'm dating Taeyong again" She blurted out.
"Ohh I know"
"You do? How?"
"First of all, you're a terrible liar and second of all I once saw you and Taeyong on a date. I just figured you would tell me when you're ready" Naomi explained.
"Ohh heh... So what do you think?"
"As long as he makes you happy I'm happy" Naomi smiled at Nini and she smiled back.


Later that night when Naomi couldn't sleep, she started thinking about stuff and then it hit her. She quickly picked up her phone and called Johnny.

"Hi" Johnny answered with a raspy voice.
"Did I wake you up?"
"Sort of... but it doesn't matter now. So what's up?"
"I was just wondering if I could come to your room... I don't know how to sleep alone" She laughed a bit at the end.
"Of course you can" He answered.

She hung up and took her phone and her bag and walked to Johnny's room and knocked. He quickly opened the door and let her in.


"I've been thinking and I was wondering if tomorrow we could do something different" She said as she laid on top of him as he caressed her hair.
"What did you have in mind?"
"Well I was thinking that you and me and Mark could have a fun day tomorrow. I found this list of things you should do before graduating from college... We could try that. I know we still have a few years ahead of us but I just thought we could do it now" She suggested.
"Yeah sure" He agreed.

She took her phone from the nightstand and texted Maek. A minute later he replied saying he's in. She texted him the details about tomorrow and put it down on the table.

She looked back to Johnny and leaned in to kiss him.

"I love you"
"Love you too"

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