Chapter Twelve

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It was spring break and everyone was god knows where, partying, traveling or visiting family and loved ones. Naomi wasn't really feeling like going home so she decided to stay at the dorms. She needed some time alone to figure out what her heart wanted. She was the only one there or so she thought.


She was doing a project that needed to be done next week when she heard a voice coming from the hallway.

"Who on earth decided to stay here for spring break? Besides me of course" She thought to herself.

She got up from the floor and opened the door to see what was going on and that's when she saw the door on the opposite side of the hallway open. That can mean only one thing.

"Hey" Mark said as he walked over to her.
"What are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same thing" He chuckled.
"I wasn't feeling like going home and I have some projects I need to do"
"Nerd" He laughed and she hit him on his arm.
"Anyways I should probably get back to my project" She said as she was about to close the door but his foot stopped it.
"Do you wanna hang out tonight? I mean we're the only two people here so"
"Sure. I'll come by when I'm done"
He smiled widely and went back to his room.

"Why is he so excited to spend time with me? We do that all the time"


Once she was done with her project, she changed her clothes to a hoodie and shorts. She took her keys and phone and walked out the door. She knocked on his door and he opened and let her in.

"So what do you wanna do?" He asked.
"Well we could order pizza and play games and stuff"
"I was just going to say that" He chuckled.

He took his phone and ordered the pizza.


"Oh come on! The moon has a dark side"
"Wanna bet?" He smirked.
"What do you have in mind?"
"If I'm right you have to kiss me on the cheek"
"What if I'm right?" She asked.
"If you're right then I will confess to you in writing that you were right when you said that I cheated on that board game we played"
"Ohh, you're on"

He checked online which one was right.

"Ha! Here it is: There technically is no 'dark side of the moon'. The moon simply has a far side, which waxes and wanes light just like the near, bright side! I was right. I win!" He was happy.
"Now bet is a bet" He added.

She crawled next to him and leaned in for a kiss on the cheek. Just when she was about kiss him, he turned his head towards her and their lips smash together. Her eyes widened but she kept kissing.

The kiss kept getting stronger and more passionate. Suddenly she laid down on the floor and he got on top. Just when he put his arms inside her shirt, she pushed him off.

"I-I can't" She said as she got up and walked out the door and to her room.

"What is wrong with me?"


The next morning she woke up to someone knocking on her door. She got up from her bed and walked to the door. She opened it and saw Mark. She immediately shut the door.

"Nao, we need to talk about what happened!" He yelled through the door.
"No, it was a mistake and it won't happen again! End of the discussion"

She waited by the door until he left.


Hours later there was another knock.

"Mark, I said I don't want to tal-" She cut off her sentence when she realised it wasn't Mark.
"John, what are you doing here?" She asked.

Johnny barged in to the door.

"I know I said I will give you time to figure out things but I really needed to see you"

She sat on the bed and looked at her hands.

"I've missed you so much and no matter what, I will-"
"I kissed Mark" She blurted out.

She started crying.

"It was-"
"Did you like it?" He interrupted.
"Please don't ask me that"
"Do you consider it as a mistake?"
"Well no... but it's only because it made me realise that I can't be with you anymore. I love you but-"
"But you're not in love with me"

She got up and walked over to him. She took off the ring and gave it to him. She gave him one last kiss on the cheek.

He was about to walk out the door but then he stopped and turned around to look at her.

"I just want to know if you're ending things with me because of him"
"No. I'm breaking up with you because it's not right for me to be with you if my heart isn't fully in it"
"Were you ever in love with me?"
"I was, for a long time" She wiped off her tears as he walked out the door.

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