Chapter Twenty One

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"Are you coming to the Christmas party tomorrow? It's just you've missed so many parties and gatherings we've had so" Nini asked.
"I'm sorry about that. I've just been hanging out with Seulgi those times but I'm definitely coming to this. Even Hyuck is coming so" Naomi answered.
"You've been spending a lot of time with Seulgi lately. I miss you"
"We live together and you still miss me?" Naomi chuckled.
"Yes, I miss hanging out with you" Nini was about to cry.

A moment of silence occurred when Naomi realised Nini was sad.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't realise you were being serious... Well what if we stayed in today and hung out all day" Naomi suggested.
"That would be great. We can watch Youtube videos and movies and play board games and such. Just the two of us" Nini got really excited as she started organising things for their day.

"I can go to the store to get some snacks and stuff so I'm guessing you want chocolate and soda"
"You know me so well" Nini replied.


Naomi walked to the nearest market.

"Hello Ms. Choi" The owner of the shop said.
"Hey, Mr. Robinson"
"Buying some weekend snacks, huh?"
"Yeah, me and Nini are having a girls' night" She replied as she walked to the soda aisle.

The front door bell rang and another client came in.

"Mr. Lee. So nice to see you again! What have you been up to?" Mr. Robinson said.
"Not much, mostly school and stuff" He replied.

"Shit, Mark's here..."

She tried to do her shopping quickly so that he wouldn't see her.

"Do want a bag with those Ms. Choi?" Mr. Robinson asked after she paid for the stuff she bought.
"Yeah sure"

Naomi packed in a hurry but not too fast because Mark got to the cashier when she was still packing. Once she was done, she looked up at him but he was already staring.

This is the first time in months he has looked at her. He wanted to say something but he couldn't come up with words.

She quickly took her bag and walked out of the market.


As the movie went on and on, Naomi couldn't really concentrate on it because all she could think about was him and the way he looked at her.

Nini could obviously see that something was bothering Naomi so she paused the movie.

"Is everything okay? You seem a bit distracted" Nini asked.
"Huh? Ohh, it's just when I went to the market I saw Mark"
"Oh my gosh, what happened?"
"Nothing. He just stared at me until I left. He did look like he wanted to say something but couldn't form the words... It's good cause I don't wanna hear his lame excuses for ghosting me. Look I know I promised that we would stay up late and watch movies and stuff but I'm kinda tired so could we do this some other night?"
"Yeah sure"
"Thanks. Good night" Naomi said as she got up and walked to her room.

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