Chapter Eight

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"Today is finally the day" Naomi said to herself as she looked in the mirror.

Today was the day of the pre winter showcase where talented students performed songs or dances to the teachers and then the teachers decides who gets to perform at the actual winter showcase.


She was practising her song with an air piano. She suddenly stopped because she felt someone's arms around her. She looked through the mirror and saw Johnny.

"Good luck" He said.
"Thanks" She smiled.

She got up from the chair and turned to his direction.

"I'm so nervous. I just hope I'll be good enough"
"I've seen you play the piano and sing, you're amazing"
"Thanks" She thanked as she hugged him.

While she was hugging him, she saw  Mark from the corner of her eye. He had a smug look on his face. She quickly looked away.

"Johnny, there's something I need to tell yo-"

"Visitors! Go find your seats! Performers need to get ready!" A woman yelled.

"I better go. Good luck" Johnny said as he walked away.

"Just tell me after the show, okay" He added.

"You do know you can't tell him what happened, right?" Mark whispered as he stood behind her.

She took a step away from him and turned to look at him.

"Of course I can. Why couldn't I?"
"What do you think will happen?"
"Hoping that he trusts me enough to know that it will never happen again"
"Even if he trusts you, he would never trust me again and that means we can never hangout just the two of us"
"Well maybe that would be good. We spend enough time together as it is" She walked towards the stage because she was called there.

She felt good about herself, finally saying the last word.

She walked over to the piano and introduced herself.

"Hi. My name is Naomi Choi and I'll be singing Take my breath away by Berlin while playing the piano" She sat in the piano chair and started playing.


When she was done playing, she took a bow and walked to her seat, which was next to Johnny.

"You were great" He whispered and she smiled.

"Hello, my name is Mark Lee and I will be singing Leave your lover by Sam Smith while playing the guitar"

Throughout the song, he kept eyeing her and deep down she knew that song was meant for her.

Once the song was over, Johnny stormed out the auditorium and Mark had a smile on his face.

Naomi ran to catch up with Johnny.

"John, stop!" She yelled.
"I just can't believe he would do that!"
"You know he's only trying to get to you"
"Well he's doing one hell of a good job at it. I mean he just told you he's in love with you, through a goddamn love song"

She stepped closer and took his hands to calm him down.

"That wasn't real. He's just trying to irritate you. Don't let him" She caressed his cheek.
"So what did you want to tell me before your performance?"
"Just that... I love you"
"I love you too"


"Why didn't you tell him?" Nini asked as they were at a cafe.
"I couldn't, not after what happened with Mark. By the way what the fuck is wrong with your brother? Why the hell would he do that?"
"I think it might have something to do with Clara"
"You mean that bitch who broke his heart?"
"Yeah. She came back in his life about a week ago and basically told him everything he ever wanted to hear and they dated for a few days and then she broke his heart again"
"Yeah and he's been sorta out of this world for a few days and that might explain the stunt the pulled"
"Well... Maybe I should talk to him"
"No! God no!" Nini shouted.
"Why not?"
"Because you have Johnny. Maybe you should spend more time with him and I'll deal with my brother"

Three ways to loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora