Chapter Fourteen

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2 months later

Naomi anxiously waits by hers and Nini's usual spot at the cafe. Today is the day Nini comes back. She's been gone for the whole summer and Naomi truly misses her. Yes, they've texted and talked over the phone here and there but it's usually just been small talk. They wanted to talk about the more deep things in person so there Naomi was, waiting for Nini with their orders already on the table.

A minute passed and the bell rang by the door, telling someone came in. Naomi looked up and saw Nini. Their eyes met and Nini walked to her. Naomi got up and hugged her tightly.

"I missed you so much"
"Me too"

They sat down and started drinking their drinks.

"So how was it?" Naomi asked.
"It was all that I could ever imagine and more. We spent most of our days just chilling by ourselves, watching movies and such. Then sometimes we went out to eat and he showed me his favourite places. It was so perfect, he was so perfect and now we're happier than ever before" Nini blushed hard.
"Awe that is so cute. I'm happy for you" Naomi commented and laughed.
"Oh my god" Nini buried her head in her hands.

"What about you?" Nini asked as they left the cafe and started walking towards their apartment.
"What about me?"
"Something must have happened while I was gone, right?"
"Ohh, right" Naomi stopped walking.

She searched something from her bag and handed it to Nini once she found it.

"Here's your key for the apartment" Naomi said.
"Thanks but that's not what I meant" They continued walking.
"What do you mean then?"
"Well for instant what the fuck happened between you and Mark?"
"I don't wanna talk about it" Naomi said as she opened the door to their apartment.
"C'mon, what could be that bad?" Nini asked as they took off their shoes and jackets.
"I said I don't wanna fucking talk about it okay! SO forget about it!" Naomi snapped at her.
"Geez, sorry"
"If you would stop asking me the same annoying question over and over, that would be great" Naomi added as she walked to her bedroom and shut the door.


Naomi's stomach growled; she needed something to eat. She got up from her bed and walked out the door and to the kitchen. She made some tea to herself and toasted bread. As she started eating Nini walked to the kitchen. They quickly glanced at eachother.

"I'm sorry for yelling" Naomi apologised.
"It's okay" Nini replied.

They both ate in silence. As Naomi was done, she put the dishes in the dishwasher and sat down.

"We're still on for tomorrow, right?" Naomi asked.
"Of course. What I don't understand is why we gotta do it?" Nini whined.
"Because I've felt lost for a while now and maybe it would give me some clarity"
"Are you really telling me that climbing up some high dumb ass hill will give you clarity?"
"Yeah, maybe... I don't know. I saw it in a movie so"
"And why do I have to be there?"
"Because you lost a bet and you promised me" Naomi crossed her arms.
"Right" Nini chuckled.
"So when do we leave tomorrow?"
"Well the sun sets at 8 or so, so roughly at 7 pm"
"Okay, well good night" Nini replied as she got up.
"Night" Naomi said as they both walked in to their rooms.

When it was time to go to sleep, Naomi couldn't help but cry silently.

"What did I ever do to him for him to leave me like this?"

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