Chapter Seventeen

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Naomi woke up all sweaty and in tears. She had a nightmare. She got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom. She washed her face and looked at herself from the mirror as she was trying to calm herself.

"It was just a dream... it wasn't real. He doesn't actually feel that way right?"

She walked back to her room and changed her clothes to this:

She walked back to her room and changed her clothes to this:

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She walked to the kitchen and made herself coffee

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She walked to the kitchen and made herself coffee. Once the coffee was done, she poured it in her thermostat and ate a banana. Soon Nini waltzed in to the kitchen.

"Good morning" Nini said.
"What are your plans today?"
"I'm going to the mall with the girls"
"Didn't you go like just last week?"
"Yeah but last week it was the whole club, now it's just me, Seulgi and Chaeyoung"
"Ohh, too bad. I was sort of hoping that we could've hung out, just you and me"
"Well what if we hang out tonight, after I come home from the mall of course" Naomi suggested.
"Yeah sure"

Naomi's phone buzzed and it was a text from Seulgi.

"Look, I gotta go. Seulgi's waiting for me outside. I'll see you tonight"

Naomi walked out the door and walked in to the backseat of Seulgi's car.


"Are you okay?" Chaeyoung asked as Naomi kept yawning a lot.

They were sitting at a cafe, drinking their drinks.

"I couldn't sleep well, I saw a nightmare.... About Mark"
"What happened in it?" Seulgi asked.
"I was at school and I was walking in the hallway and I saw him. He looked right at me and pulled up a gun. He shot me and as I laid on the ground, he came closer and told me that I'm pathetic for pining over him when he never even cared about me" Naomi explained as she wiped her tears.
"You know it was just a dream, right?" Chaeyoung reassured.
"Yeah but a part of me wonders if it's even slightly true. Maybe he really doesn't care and even if he does, he has a funny was of showing it"
"Maybe he's just going through something right now. And if he is I'm sure that eventually he'll come to his senses and realise that you're way too precious to lose" Seulgi commented.
"Yeah maybe... I just need to get out of my head and have some fun you know"
"I might just have the perfect idea" Chaeyoung said.
"What is it?" Seulgi asked.
"Well there's this bar just a mile away from here and apparently almost nobody from the university goes there, so that means there will be new people and I heard they play some really good music"
"Well what are waiting for? Let's go!" Naomi sounded excited as did Chaeyoung and Seulgi.


30 minutes later, they get their first drinks as they sit in a booth. Naomi looks around the room and suddenly spot two people walking in to the bar.

"Didn't you say that nobody from the university goes here?" Naomi asked Chaeyoung.
"Yeah, why?"
"Well apparently they do" Naomi said as she pointed in the direction of the two people.
"What the hell is Mark doing here with his girlfriend?" Seulgi asked.
"I don't know" Chaeyoung replied.

Naomi started to feel more upset and the others noticed it.

Chaeyoung nudged Naomi and said:
"Here, have a shot"

Naomi drank the shot of vodka and another and another.

Soon a good song started playing from the speakers.

"Oh my god, I love this song. Let's go dance" Naomi said.

All three of them went to the dance floor. All of a sudden, Naomi was picked up and lifted on to the bar counter, she continued to dance there.


Mark and his girlfriend sat in a booth, drinking their drinks as the song started playing.

"This is one of Naomi's favorite songs..."

He saw Naomi and her friends walk to the dance floor. Suddenly she was lifted on to the counter and she continued to dance there. Mark kept his eyes on her and watched her have the time of her life.

"She looks so happy without me... Maybe it's better that way"


When the song ended, Naomi got down from the counter and they were just about to walk to their booth when someone slapped Naomi.

"What the hell!?" Naomi turned to look at who slapped her and saw Mark's girlfriend.
"That's for trying to flirt with my boyfriend"
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"I know what you were trying to do, shaking your ass up there, trying to get my boyfriend's attention"
"Look, bitch. I have no idea what you're talking about, so back off" Naomi said as she took her things and walked out of the bar.

Chaeyoung followed her.

"Are you okay? Do you need a ride home?"
"I'll be fine. I think I'll just walk home. Thanks anyways. I'll see you tomorrow"

As Naomi was walking home, it started to rain.

"Great... What's next?"


She finally showed up at their door, soaking wet, bruised and covered in glitter. She walked inside and Nini walked straight to her.

"Oh my god, what the hell happened?"
"It's sort of a long story"
"Well I got time"
"First I need to get out of these wet clothes and could you make me some tea while I change my clothes"

Once Naomi was in her PJ's and holding a cup of tea in her hands, she sat down around the table and told Nini everything.

"What the hell?" was all Nini could say.
"I know. She was completely nuts"
"Well I'm glad you got outta there before anything else happened"
"The reason I left was because I wanted to attack her and punch the hell outta her"
"She definitely would've deserved it" They both laughed.
"And I'm sorry that I bailed on you, I just needed to cool off and get some things off my mind"
"I get it"
"It obviously didn't work though because he was there. Why does he have to be everywhere I go? Can he just stop haunting me? I'm so sick of it!"
"I'm sure it'll get better soon" Nini tried to comfort Naomi.
"Yeah well anyways I should probably go to sleep. I'm pretty tired. So good night" Naomi explained as she got up

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