Chapter Nine

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Naomi woke up to the sound of someone knocking on her door. She quickly got up, wearing her PJ's as she opened the door and saw the last person she wanted.

"What are you doing here Mark?" She hissed.
"I'm so sorry about what I did. I shouldn't have done that"

He looked sincere.

"It's fine. But I'm not the one you should be apologising for"
"Johnny" He noted.
"Yeah. You know he almost punched you yesterday but I had to stop him and tell him you didn't mean it. I had to be on your side even though I wanted to hit you as much as he did. Just tell him that you didn't mean it or that it was a lie"

He wanted to say something but he couldn't so he just nodded and walked away.

"How am I suppose to tell Johnny that it was a lie when it wasn't..." He thought to himself.


As Naomi was doing her homework, she heard loud yelling coming from the hallway and then she heard a knock on her door. She got up from a chair and walked to her door to open it.

"What's wrong?" She asked Nini.
"Taeyong and I broke up" Nini blurted out.

"And don't pretend you aren't happy about it" She continued as she walked inside Naomi's room and sat on the bed.
"Okay just a little bit but you don't seem so sad either" Naomi noted as she sat on the bed next to Nini.
"We broke up because I told him that I like Jaemin"
"Wait... What!? When did this happen?"
"I don't know. Lately I've felt weird about kissing Taeyong. And then yesterday, I was hanging out with Jaemin, I realised how badly I just wanted to kiss him and how happy and warm he made me feel. That's when I realised that I had a crush on him"
"Damn" was all that Naomi could say at that moment.
"And now I don't know what to do because I'm pretty sure that Jaemin doesn't like me back, at least not like that"
"Are you sure?" What about that stuff he said at the party?"
"He was drunk. People tend to do stupid things when they're drunk. By the way did Mark apologise yet?"
"Yeah. He came by this morning and I told him that I'm not the one he should be apologising to and then I guess he made up with Johnny and they're back to being friends because they've been spending the whole day together playing video games and such"
"So everything's back to normal? Like nothing happened?"
"Well not nothing. I still had a threesome with them"
"Ohh right I forgot" Nini chuckled.
"I could never forget. It's really hard to look at Mark, knowing I've seen everything and that I've kissed him more than once and-"
"Wait hold up! You've kissed him more than once?" Nini interrupted.
"Well the night of the halloween party I kissed him twice. But the first one was an honest mistake"
"And the second one?"

Naomi stayed quiet.

"You liked it didn't you?" Nini poked her cheek.

She didn't look at Nini at all.

"Well do you like kissing Mark more than Johnny?"
"What! No!" Naomi lied.
"You do, don't you!?"
"What does it matter anyway!"

"Clearly he likes her and she likes him, why won't they just get on with it?.." Nini thought to herself.


After Naomi was done with all of her homework and stuff, she grabbed her keys and put them in her hoodie's pocket and walked out the door. She walked to Johnny's door and knocked.

"It's open!" Johnny shouted and she walked in.

Johnny and Mark were in the middle of an intense round of a video game they were playing.

"Oh hey babe" Johnny said as he looked back at the tv screen.

She went to sit on his bed which was behind them.

When they finished the round, Naomi wanted to bug in and asked:

"Can I play?"
"Sure. I actually need to use the bathroom anyway" Johnny answered as he handed the controller to her.

When Johnny came back from the bathroom, he saw how well they got along again. They were having the time of their lives.

"Sometimes I feel such an outsider when I'm with them. Even that night..." Johnny thought to himself.

Johnny started yawning.

"We can stop if you feel tired" She suggested.
"No you don't have to" He yawned again.
"I think we should stop" Mark commented.

She turned off the game and the tv.

She walked up to Johnny and gave him a goodnight kiss.

"Good night. I love you" Johnny said.
"Love you too"

Mark watched as they kissed.

Naomi and Mark walked out of Johnny's room and he kept staring at her.

"I remember the first time I saw her with new eyes. Actually I didn't see her, just all the books she was carrying..."


"Aren't you going to help me?" She asked.
"Oh right" He helped her carry the books to a table.

She started reading books and he just stared at her from time to time.

"I can't believe I fell in love with her... I know she's with Johnny. I just wonder if she wasn't with him, would she be with me?"


"Hellooo. Earth to Mark" Naomi said as she waves her hand on his face.
"What?" He was confused and she just laughed.
"I said good night"

She was just about to walk to her room as he blurted out:

"Do you want to hang out with me tomorrow?"
"Yeah sure. Good night" She smiled
"Night" He smiled back.

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