5. The Weight Of Emptiness

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After my conversation with her this morning at the diner, I realized Hope skipped school today. Because we had a game today, I got the day off from school to prepare with the team. I was relieved. Knowing the teens at EverGreen High, everyone had probably spiced up the rumors and assumably thought we hooked up on that tree or something.

I did not want to be at school to face all of those stupid, pathetic rumors.

We won the game though. The crowd went wild. Everyone cheered and roared. I could feel the adrenaline and the rush seep through me. Everyone's smiles and laughs seemed so genuine, but mine felt so fake.

While people were clearing out the gym, Coach Ryan was surrounded by college scouts. The guys on my team got excited. Why did I feel a sick, anxious knot forming in the pit of my stomach?

Back in the locker room, the guys were hyped about celebrating and partying at Connor's place. They had towels tied around their waists, drops of water streaming down their well-defined chests after taking a shower. While they were going on and on about the win tonight, the next game, the party tonight, college, and girls, I sat fully dressed on the bench below the lockers, rubbing a towel against my wet hair.

"So what's up with you and Hope Lance, cap? Heard everyone was talking about it in the halls. About her. Did you hook up?" Trent asked while flexing his tanned arms in front of the body length mirror hanging on the wall.

I shrugged. "It's nothing, man. We just had a beer and talked. Nothing more."

Connor fell in line next to Trent and started flexing his arms too before brushing his damp hair back. His wicked, curious green eyes met mine in the mirror. "You should give it a try, dude. I mean, that new-girlfriend-and-getting-laid-every-week tradition stopped months ago. Maybe finally getting a permanent girl will help you get over Maya for good.

Here was the truth. I had never slept with any girl other than Maya Greene. All I did with those girlfriends I had every week after Maya jumped, was kissing. Just kissing. The closest I got with one of them was getting half-naked and then my brain and my bones just halted like the breaks had been slammed. Even though her drunk eyes were filled with lust, I felt undesired and self-conscious in every inch of me.

"Trust me, I'm over her." That was half-lie and half-truth. I don't think I could ever just get over Maya Greene. She used to be my safe place.

"You sure? Cause you staring at her in lunch everyday while she's making out with her boyfriend says otherwise." Connor's words made all the guys crack a laugh.

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