11. Carry You Home

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I didn't want to talk to Mr. Standall tomorrow.

I didn't want to eat mom's homemade brownies tomorrow. The ones she made every Tuesday evening to busy herself because dad - like every fucking Tuesday - canceled their dinner date plans.

I didn't want to go to Bree's birthday party and face Maya and Cayden. 

I didn't want to do anything. It felt like every ounce of my energy had been sucked out of my body. All I wanted to do was stay in my bed for the rest of my life, but at the same, I didn't. I wanted to do nothing and everything.

While anxiety for tomorrow bubbled up in the pit of my stomach, I outstretched my arm to the nightstand and picked up my phone.


Sighing, I dropped my phone next to me.

It was dark in my room. I lifted my hand and could barely see it.

Bree's words were a hollow whisper streaming down the four walls around me.

Just try talking about it.

It, it, it.

I was a liar if I pretended to not understand what she meant. I knew what she meant, but I was too terrified to admit it. To others too, but mostly to myself.

If I admitted it, the Demon's voice in my head would win. It had already messed me up so much. I didn't even want to imagine what would happen if I admitted what was happening to me.

Since I couldn't sleep no matter how I tried, I sat up and reached for my laptop. After opening it, I opened google and clicked on the search section.

My fingers trembled over the keyboard as I bit my lip hard and started typing the D-word.

I googled the De- - - - - - - - test.

I clicked on the first site that came up and spent the next few minutes answering the questions.

After I answered the last question, I sat still a whole minute before clicking on "Show Results".

Severe De - - - - - - - -.

Suddenly it was like every inch of me froze and I stared at the screen for a moment that outstretched to several minutes. I blinked twice, hoping the result would change but the words I feared the most were written on the screen in black letters, blurring my vision.

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