19. Old Wounds

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Kaitlyn smiled that same dreamy smile that used to weaken my knees two years ago. "Hi, Hopie."

My heart swelled. I clenched my fists.

No. Not the nickname. I hate it now.

I turned around and folded my arms across my chest, hellbent on not showing any type of vulnerability as I with an apathetic tone said, "Kaitlyn."

I forgot I had History with this bitch every Monday morning.

She pouted. "What? Come on! What happened to Kai? I kind of miss that."

"Well, I don't," I snapped, anger rushing through my veins. "What do you want?"

"Just curious about how someone like Nathan and someone like you ended up being friends."

I narrowed my gaze before leaning closer and glaring at her. "Listen up, bitch. You and I are done. We were done a long time ago. I don't need to explain shit to you. So just stay out of my way."

"Okay, just chill. Why do you get angry so quickly? Like, take a chill pill." She chuckled before scoffing like I was some sort of joke. To her, I always was.

I swallowed hard. "You really hurt me, and I don't forgive people easily. Especially not people like you."

She rolled her eyes. "Come on, Hope. It was two years ago. We were sixteen. We were only together for two months. I wasn't happy with you so I ended things. Why is it so hard for you to move on?"

It is hard because you broke my fucking heart. Our age and the amount of time we spent together had no meaning to that. I fell madly in love with you and you ended it like it meant nothing to you. Like I meant nothing to you. I guess from all the crap you said to the other girls about me behind my back pretty much proved that.

"Well, it does kind of seem like you have moved on. How does he stand you?" She wrinkled her nose in disgust.

I jolted up from my seat, knocking down my chair as I slammed my hands on her desk, startling the life out of her. The loud thud caused all eyes to snap towards us as I yelled at her, "Stop! Just fucking stop."

"Hey!" I almost flinched when June Riley, an ex-friend from the swim team marched over to us, grabbed my wrist and yanked me away from Kaitlyn.

"Stay away from my girlfriend," she snapped, anger gleaming across her infuriated face.

I blinked. Girlfriend?

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