27. Call Me Hope

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Two days later, it was Monday evening and Hope had a shift at the diner. After staying in her bed the whole weekend and skipping school today to sleep more, I decided to tag along to get some fresh air.

I still couldn't quite wrap my head around what happened on Friday night. I broke down. I literally just collapsed and vent out everything I had been holding inside for so long. And Hope just sat there, in the center of the skateboarding area with me and simply listened to everything.

I practically stood in my room only a half an hour earlier and insulted her face to face, but she still decided to come running after me and told me she loved me.

Opening up to her and getting it all off my chest made it a hundred times easier for me to breathe and even though I was so scared when I went to bed that night in Hope's room, I was also so relieved and kind of okay. Years and years of burdens and heavy expectations were lifted off my shoulders. I lifted them off my shoulders. Hope helped me lift them off my shoulders. I couldn't be more thankful for that.

I seriously owed her the biggest apology in the world. I could practically get her a castle made of brownies and it still wouldn't be enough.

While Hope was working, I sat in one of the empty booths, reading ahead on 1984 for the English project before Bree suddenly showed up with a friendly smile on her face and a paper bag of cheeseburgers in her hand.

So now she was either going to talk to me like I was a sick puppy or act like everything was normal. I hoped for the second assumption.

"Hey. Do you mind if I sit here?"

I gave her a small smile. "Uh, no. Go ahead."

As she sat down in the seat across from me, she was about to say something, but I went first. "-So I'm going to text you something crazy, okay?"

Bree's brows knitted together in confusion. "Um, okay?"

I put down my book, picked up my phone, and found Cap Bree in my contacts before texting her something really quick.

Curious, Bree turned her phone and read the text message from me that lit up her screen. When her eyes swept over the words, her jaw dropped on the table and her eyeballs fell out of her eyes.

Okay. I saw that one coming.

"I think I'm in love with Hope," she quietly read before covering her mouth with her hand to conceal her gasp.

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