27.2: Scarred for Life

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The river's current grew in strength and I began to perceive a bit of a downslope as we moved through the dank, fetid passages.

There were fewer worms, so it was becoming quite difficult to see and I mostly just stumbled on, thankful for the current's leading.

Derek had stopped his mumbling sometime before, though the occasional glance over my shoulder confirmed he was still following me, though at a safe distance. Safe for me that is, at least until the current grew even stronger and I slipped on the slick bottom and went completely under with a sickening flop. I had kept my wits about me, and managed to close my mouth and pinch my nose just in time.

I struggled mightily and managed to get my head above the malodorous sludge as I was swept along. Try as I might, the current was too strong and the bottom too slick to get back on my feet.

There was, however, a light at the end of the tunnel. No, not a metaphorical one, a real one! I was approaching it quite rapidly until finally, I was launched out into the blessed light of morning. After which, old man Newton promptly took over again and dropped me toward the churning ocean below.

I was free! Or so I thought before pain erupted all across my back as I struck the seawater with a tremendous slap. Just as I painfully thought, Well, that wasn't so bad, at least I'm alive, I kindly broke Derek's fall, causing quite a bit of pain to erupt across my front as well. At least my pain was distributed evenly.

To round matters out, we were both immediately driven underwater by a tremendous wave crashing down on top of us.

Now, despite the fact that the wave quite nearly drowned us both, it did have the courtesy to wash at least a modicum of the vile filth from our bodies. And, for that, I was immensely grateful.

I struggled for my life as I was rolled over and over again under the waves, scraped and bounced painfully along the bottom like a piece of discarded driftwood while Derek pummeled me with his various body parts. Perhaps even unintentionally. But with a sudden thump upon my head, everything went black.

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