Fantasies Come True

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"You're really gonna go on a date with Harvey Dent?"

"Jesus Christ, Butch! You scared me. What the hell are you even doing here?" I ask the man armed to the teeth who steps out from behind a pillar.

"Carmine hired my boys for the night."

"Work must be rough since Penguin kicked you out, huh?"

He's not amused. "Rougher than I'd like to admit. Do you really think he's going to be okay with you dating the district attorney?"

"He doesn't really have a choice. He broke up with me, Butch. Oswald doesn't get to tell me who and who I can't be seeing."

"I'm not so sure he'll see it that way. Are you even ready for such a commitment?"

I laugh off his worries, rattling the butterflies in my chest. "I'm not going off to marry the man. It's just a date."

Victor and I have the same conversation when I get back home, except this one ends with the story of how he and Nora met at a science fair in college. After that, I regret letting either of them in on the big secret.

I arrive at the precinct bright and early, heeding Barnes's warning.

"What are you doing here?" Jim grabs my arm.

"The Captain has some questions for me," I easily pull out of his grip, "about the night when Tetch was captured."

"What did you do?"

"Nothing illegal," I say.

"I know that. Bullock told me what he saw. That kind of power should be impossible, Sera."

"I'm surprised you came, Miss Gordon. Please step into my office."

I wish his greeting was actually welcoming. A sense of dread pollutes the contents in my stomach and I sort of feel like I'm walking into the principal's office.

"Well, this is better than jail."

"For now," he says, sitting at his desk. "Let's talk about your abilities, which I assume you got from Hugo Strange like the rest of the monsters."

"That's correct. Whatever DNA he used to wake me up gave me these powers."

He takes out a pen and paper. "Please describe these powers to the best of your ability."

"Um... I have enhanced strength and speed. I also have what Strange called a sonic scream? Not entirely sure what it is, but when I scream or talk loudly, some kind of sonic pitch emits from my vocal cords. I don't know to what extent. Strange made me kill a man for him. It shattered his skull in a matter of seconds."

"We're going to need you to testify in court with the things you experienced in Indian Hill."

"And if I don't?"

"I can think of twenty dead bodies found near Snowy's Factory that need some explaining."

"I'll be there. Do you have anything else for me?"

"Yes. I would like your written statement that you're no longer affiliated with Penguin."

I give it to him without hesitation.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Miss Gordon. If there's anything further I can do for you, let me know."

"Actually, there is." A wild, crazy idea comes into my head. I have nothing without Oswald. Perhaps this new life is really a fresh start for me.  "I need a job. I'm homeless and without steady hands, my occupation as a nurse isn't an option."

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