Pax Cardinala

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Our plan takes an entire month to complete. Between taking back territories, implementing the licenses, and taking care of those who choose not to comply, we have our hands full. The crime rate in Gotham drops a historical 57% percent in two weeks. After we view the proof in numbers, Oswald insures the cooperation of the commissioner and mayor. It works as perfectly as we predicted.

When I'm not racking up my body count, I'm typically found at The Black Canary. It's the only club in Gotham tailored to the monsters of the city. Business is running better than ever now that I've given the freaks a home.

I don't hear from my brother or The Court. I lose myself in the intoxication of the city's dark side as well as my own. I command a raging sea of booze, alcohol, and power. Penguin, Loren, and Ivy stand at my side. While the world is set aflame around us, we remain untouched by the fires we create.

Someone smarter than myself might say I'm trying to run from something.

On the day of The Iceberg Lounge re-opening, I lean against a booth as Os delivers a press conference.

"You know, Augustus Ceaser presided over the longest period of peace and prosperity the world has ever known? It was called the Pax Romana. Perhaps one day, this will be known as the Pax Penguina."

Loren and I share an eye roll in unison from a booth.

"Such a big ego for such a small man."

"You're telling me."

My husband then goes on to deliver some bullshit speech about how Edward Nygma's final request was to be shown off in his popsicle form while the world waits on a cure for a degenerative brain disease.

Loren snorts. "How long did it take him to think up that one?"

"I bet he just pulled it out of his ass," I say before finishing my drink.

"Did anyone tell him he was being frozen?"

We whip around to notice Jim standing at the entrance of our bar.

Oswald waddles over to him. "I have affidavits from his doctors if you would like to see them."

No, he doesn't.

"No thanks."

"Well Jim," I hear Penguin greet in a hushed tone. "I'm rather busy, so whatever your business is—"

"I came to tell you that you're a fraud. The gang that has Crane's fear toxin— they're not afraid of you. Others will find out. That's how it begins." He leans in to whisper, "You've had a nice run, Oswald, but it's over."

I rise from my seat.

Penguin grabs my brother by the arm. "Oh, Jim. It's so hard to admit when you've become irrelevant. Let me tell you what's going to happen. I'm going to find this gang and I'm going to crush them. And everyone will see that it is Oswald Cobblepot, The Penguin, who keeps Gotham safe."

He pulls himself out of Os's grip and storms out.

"Always good to see you, old friend!"

I push past my husband and follow my brother out.


"What do you want?" Jim asks, digging for his keys.

"What was that about?"

"Come on, Sera. You know as well as I do that these licenses are never going to last. I suggest you accept that before your husband does."

"You can't just storm into my club like that!"

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