Something Wicked Comes This Way

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"Are you sure you're okay if I go?"

Oswald offers a gentle, tired smile from his pillow. "Yes, of course. I want you to do this."

"I worry about you. I can stay and help you hunt down the Crane gang if you'd like that."

My husband waves me off. The orange-pink light of morning peaks through our curtains and lands on his cheek, decorating his features. "They're nothing I haven't dealt with before, Sera. I've faced many an adversary— most without your superpowered assistance. I'll be fine. I'm more concerned about you." His finger rests on my heart. "You don't know what you're walking into and neither do I."

I intertwine our fingers. "They want to see if I'm smart and strong enough to lead them."

"I have no doubt you'll succeed. That's not what worries me. I fear to let you out of my sight. There are so many dangers in the world. So many things can kill you all over again and I won't be able to stop it."

"I told you I don't have to go, Os."

"No. I'm being paranoid. I want you to go. This will benefit both of us. When you return, you'll be the most powerful woman in all of Gotham."

"And you'll be my husband." We share honeyed kisses and even sweeter promises until Talon's knock raps on our mansion.

"It's time."

I pick up my suitcases and part Oswald with one last I love you before following the guard to the car. When I enter, the commissioner places a black cloth over my head. On the way to our destination, he provides a list of rules.

"When we arrive, you will be allowed free roam all around the facility. Exiting the facility will result in immediate elimination and death. You are welcome to use any weapon at your disposal. One meal will be provided per day. Your goal is to stay alive."

"How will I know when I'm done?"

"We will retrieve you in a week. After that, the initiation process will begin. Good luck, Cardinal."

We stop at what sounds like an old warehouse. Once they remove the blindfold, I find that it is an old warehouse. We couldn't have left Gotham. That thought gives me some comfort; comfort that's stripped away when I hear the familiar hissing of gas being released into the air. Purple vapor is released from an overhead sprinkler.

I slowly make my way into the empty, dark space. The only source of light is from tiny windows at the top of the warehouse. Various weapons lay spread out on a single table for me to pick and choose from.

I pocket as many knives, daggers, and guns as I can. Who knows what's in store for me? It's better to be over-prepared than not prepared at all.

I continue on to find a beaten-up cot, pillow, and blanket. As quietly as possible, I move the bedding into an empty storage closet. This way, there will be no chance of an enemy sneaking up on me. The only way to kill me is through a single door. I stash two knives and a gun around the closet.

A single bathroom sits across the hall. Upon inspection, I find that I still have running hot and cold, clean water. I wonder how often I'll actually be able to shower over the next week.

A hatch opens to my left. Talon slides my meal of the day onto the floor. I eat up the scrambled eggs, bacon, coffee and canteen of water. Then I wait. I eagerly await an attack. I patrol the upper and lower levels in search of any intruder, but I find none. Nothing happens at all during my first day.

The same cannot be said for my first night. I wake from an uneasy sleep upon hearing the sound of footsteps nearing my closet. I reach for a knife. The last thing I want is to attract the attention of any others by screaming.

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