35|| The author didn't know what to name this chapter.

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It is a dull and rainy Thursday, and the zodiacs are all in Science class watching the rain shower from the grey and gloomy sky.

Well.... not all the zodiacs are in the room. Leo was sick with a cold so he didn't come. Since Leo is sick, Vivian had to stay back to take care of him.
And besides the teacher has not arrived yet. And since the class is near the end of school, everyone is waiting for home time.

"I'm bored!" Alyssa cried out, "When are we going to go home?"

"After this class. We need to get through this school day first." Tahlia pointed out, making Alyssa faceplant her head on her desk with a loud THUNK. Tahlia turned to the female, "Alyssa! Be careful!"

"Me? Careful? I laugh at the face of being careful."

"That does not make any sense, but who am I to judge?" Sabrina shrugged, "Where's Ms Florence at anyways? She is supposed to be here, but she's not."

"She's probably sick and tired of us like our other teachers." Lily mumbled, "I mean, I would."

"No, that can't be." Gilbert pointed out, "The teachers love us. We gave Ms Florence a box of shell chocolate."

"And you dumped milk on Ms Bumblebert." Arlen sighed, shaking his head.

"Well she deserved it."

"Where do you think Ms Florence could of been?" Lily asked.

"She could be sick?" Alex suggested.

"Or tired of us." Sienna grinned.

"Or maybe she is an undercover spy who is on a mission to save the entire world from the depths of EVIL!" Gilbert called out as he slammed his hands on the table and stood up from his seat. The others turned to him and remained silent.

"Or... not." Aika chuckled as she got out a notebook and began writing down some things. Sabrina noticed this and turned to the girl.

"What are you writing there Aika?"

"I'm just writing down some lyrics, that's all." Aika replied, giving Sabrina the notepad, "I was thinking about starting a band... like our very own." She then chuckled and looked down at her desk, "It's just an idea, I am not sure about it yet."

"I think it is a great idea." Sabrina agreed as she handed back the notepad, "If you need someone for a keyboard, I'm your girl."

The two females giggled. They stopped and suddenly went silent (like the others) when the classroom door handle began to turn.

"When she says 'Good Morning' don't utter a word." Gilbert whispered to everyone.

Everyone else nodded back in agreement and did just that. Everyone turned to the door and watched as it opened and a female teacher with chin length dark brown hair, green eyes and freckles. She was also wearing a yellow blazer with a white top underneath, a black pencil skirt and black heels. The teacher was also holding a pile of books, papers with her laptop perched on top.

She placed her books on the table and brushed her hands before clasping them and facing the class. When she saw the class, her eyes narrowed and she frowned.

"Oh f***. It's you guys again."

Silence. The teacher raised an eyebrow.

"Don't play that game with me. I am being serious."

Silence, but it didn't last or long. Gilbert had burst into laughter, making the others groan loudly. The teacher crossed her arms.

"Expected from one of the students I dreaded to see."

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