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Song: Dynamite by Bts

There was a time when everyone believed that the Greek gods were real, but as the time passed, they turned into myths. But those gods aren't myths they are real and are still ruling on Olympus. As many people know gods have children who are also gods like Demeter mother of the godness Persephone. But some gods have children with humans. These children are called Demigods, some became famous like Hercules or Achilles while others tried to live a life that wasn't so well known. Sadly, Demigods attract dangerous creatures, that is why the gods created a camp for their children called camp Half-blood lead by a centaur called Chiffon and the god of wine called Dionysus. The camp is protected by an invisible barrier that holds off any creature, human or evil being that isn't a demigod. A few years back a group of five children were running towards the camp searching for a safe haven.

"Come one Yoongi we have to hurry." Kihyun called out for his friend while eyeing the two siblings who were running in front.
"I can't help it; you are a natural runner since you have goat legs." Yoongi replies trying to catch up. to his Sater friend/protector.
"You want me to carry you?" Kihyun teases him.
"BOTH OF YOU MOVE THOSE LEGS BEFORE WE GET EATEN." Jin screams pushing his sister Jisoo in front of him. "WHERE IS SIYEON?"
"RIGHT HERE." A girl shouts jumping out of a tree not so far away from the group "THE GIANT IS CATCHING UP ON US."
"It is not much further." Kihyun speaks up leading them to the barrier. They could hear the footsteps of the giant come closer by the second.
"I SEE THE GATE." Jisoo screams while Jin pushed her through the barrier. Siyeon following after her.
"COME ON GUYS." Jin yells at Kihyun and Yoongi who were almost there.
"I SEE THE GIANT." Siyeon shouts.
Kihyun looked behind him and saw indeed the giant approaching them fast. He grabbed Yoongi by the shoulder and pulled him after him inside the barrier. The giant kept running and Jisoo screamed when it came in contact with the invisible wall. But he couldn't get in and kept on hitting the forcefield. "it can't get in." Yoongi says smiling collapsing on the ground.
Kihyun let out a breath of relief before smiling at the people in front of him, the people he managed to get into safety "Welcome in camp half blood."

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