Chapter 14: You okay?

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Song: Tiger inside by SuperM

Namjoon pov:
After I stabbed the beast with my sword, I turned to Jin who was laying on the ground. I smiled and helped him up "you should be more careful."
"Thank you." he says looking down to the ground.
"Jin can we talk about what happened last night?" I ask him.
"Yeah but later I want to check up on my friends first."
I nodded as I saw him run after Jungkook towards the medical tent.

I walked towards Jimin who was sitting on a rock while Chiffon was checking his leg for any injuries. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah I am because of Yoongi." He says wincing in pain as Chiffon touched his ankle.
"You are lucky it isn't broken, it is bruised though so I advise that you give your ankle rest for the next few days." Chiffon tells Jimin who nodded thankful.
"What happened exactly?" I ask the younger boy in front of me.
"I was in the bathroom only Handong and Sehun were in the house." He began "Sehun screamed that the house was burning, and I wanted to get out of the bathroom, but the door was blocked, something had blocked the door. Handong tried to get to me but couldn't lift the thing in front of the door. Sehun said he went to get help and ran outside. the smoke was starting to suffocate me and so I told Handong to get out before she would lose conscious." He gulped "She stated firmly that she wouldn't leave and that is the moment when I couldn't hear anything else then her coughing. Then I heard Jungkook and he got her out and then I heard Yoongi, he told me to back off and blew the door away with his traits. Then our eyes locked, and he grabbed my hand pulling out the bathroom, but I tripped over the fallen door and twisted my ankle. Yoongi put my arm around his neck and his arm around my waist and helped me outside."
"It sounds like Yoongi was your guardian angel." I chuckle.
"Yeah and I still need to thank him for saving me and apologize for yesterday, but he ran off as soon as we were outside." Jimin replies.
"Yeah because Hoseok is bitten by the snake tail of the Chimera and needed medical attention." I explain.
"Is he going to be okay?" He asks me.
"It is Hoseok, of course he will."
"Let's hope so."
"yeah." I reply looking at the direction the others had left "Let's believe in him."
"Can you help me up?" Jimin asks me with puppy dog eyes.
"Yeah, come on." I say helping him walk.
"No problem, you can sleep at the Athena house for the time being, I am sure the house will be rebuilt soon but you need a place to stay until it is fixed." I tell him
"You don't have too." Jimin mutters.
"You would do the same for me." I chuckle before leading him towards my house.
"Hey guys." J. Seph the Sater of Somin appears "Do you need any help?"
"No thank you we can manage." I smile politely. He nodded and made his way over to the remains of the Ares house.

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