Chapter 12: Chimera

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Song: Any by stray kids

Hoseok pov:
The next morning I was enjoying my breakfast peacefully sitting at the table of Yoongi with him and Jin. Jungkook joined us with Taehyung and introduced us to each other. Taehyung was actually pretty nice, and I could see Jungkook stare at the other male with adoration. I nudged him and when Jungkook saw the smirk growing on my face he blushed. Then we heard a loud scream echo through the camp. We immediately jumped up and looked at the direction of the noise. Then a giant monster appeared at the breakfast scene, he had the body and head of a lion, a snake for a tail and a goat protruding from his back and when he roared fire was coming out his mouth. "What is that?" Taehyung asks.
Jin cursed and flipped the table we were sitting at and used it as a shield while we hide behind is "That is a Chimera. They are very hard to kill"
"But it can be killed?" I ask him.
"Yes, one man killed it before his name was Bellerophon." Jin answers "But I don't know how he did it."
Another demigod screamed, and I peeked over the table to see Hwasa standing in front of the creature. I jumped up and ran towards her, I saw the Chimera open its mouth, but I tackled Hwasa to the ground making the monster miss us by an inch. I looked down at her and saw she wasn't hurt "Go." I tell her out of breath before getting up and pulling her up too. She nodded and ran the other way.
"Hoseok get out of there." Jungkook shouted. I looked at the creature and made a run for it, the Chimera following me around. Then a rock was thrown at the beast his head and made him stop chasing me to change the direction, this time he ran to the person who threw the rock and who happened to be Siyeon. My breath hitched in my throat as I saw the monster come at her. I cursed under my breath and ran before jumping on his back. I grabbed the neck of the goat who made an inhuman sound. I pulled it harshly making the creature wince in pain and stop, then I felt a stingy pain in my arm and saw that its tail who was a snake had bit me. I screamed in pain as I fell of its back. Siyeon screamed my name and ran towards me, crouching down on the ground next to me. The beast turned around and eyed us his mouth dripping flames. Then my sight was blocked by Jungkook who had a sword in his hand, he pointed it at the monster as it charged at us. Jungkook jumped out of the way and cut of the goat's head of the creature. The creature howled and stopped a few meters in front of Siyeon and me before turning to Jungkook, anger burning in his eyes as he placed his focus on the person who wounded her. Jungkook smirked at the creature and raised his hand as a sign that he was challenging the animal. Siyeon helped me stand and yelled at her brother to be careful as she brought me to safety. Taehyung ran past us but Siyeon got a grip on him "You are not going anywhere."
"I have to help Jungkook." Taehyung exclaims.
"No, he will kill me if he figures out, I put you into danger. When I could stop you. I see the way you two look at each other." Siyeon replies before smiling "And believe me my brother isn't that easy to defeat." Taehyung got out of her grab and ran towards Jungkook. "That idiot." She mutters.
"The power of love." I chuckle.
She smiled at me "Yeah you are right." Then I suddenly started to feel dizzy and before I knew it, I lost consciousness. 

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