Chapter 2: Crushing

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Song: Blueprint by Stray kids

Yoongi pov:
Once I was dressed, I got out and Jin eyed me up and down before giving me a thumbs up. We walked towards the lake where the hot tubs were, and I went to sit on the grass eyeing the water where a few demigods played in the water. Jin saw me starring at them and decided to open his mouth " The girl with the long red hair is Rose daughter of Poseidon, the blond girl next to her is Lisa daughter of Ares, you know one of Siyeon half-sisters." I nodded and let my eyes wander too the three males with them. Jin noticed and smiled when he saw my gaze linger on the short black haired. "That is Jimin son of Hermes, he is a cutie right." He smirks "Never knew you had a weakness for cute guys."
"What." I stutter before feeling the heat creep on my cheeks "I do not."
"You totally do." he punched my shoulder.
"Oh shut up who are the other two." I mutter
Jin smiled before continuing "The Sater is Wonho, he is the personal protector of Rose but according to Hyungwon there may been feelings involved." Then he sighed and stated starring in the distance "The tall one with the dimples is Namjoon son of Athena, best friend of Jimin they came here together after Namjoon saved Jimin from a cyclops."
"Jin do you by any chance have a crush on Namjoon."
"Who wouldn't." He sighs happily.
"Who wouldn't what?" A cheerful voice says from next to me. I turn to the side to see Kihyun.
"Hey there Kihyun what do you think of Namjoon." Jin asks him.
Kihyun raised his eyebrow "You know I am in a happy relationship with Shownu."
"With who?" I ask confused.
"Wow that hurts yoongs, you still don't know who my boyfriend is?"
"I know you have a boyfriend, but I really do not know who he is."
"You have locked yourself up for too long." Kihyun mutters "But my boyfriend is Shownu son of Hermes."
"Half-brother of Jimin?" I quickly ask what made Kihyun raise his eyebrow and Jin laugh out loud.
"Yeah why?"
"Yoongi showed interest in the cute black-haired boy." Jin exposed me.
"Yoongi likes someone who isn't one of us?" Kihyun states in shock before a smirk appeared on his face "Well since Shownu is Jimin his half-brother I am sure he will do a good word for you by him, I am going to ask him right now."
Before I had time to protest, he was already gone, I glared at Jin "Did you really have to expose me like that?"
"I didn't know there even was a thing to expose." He winks before standing up and pulling me with him "But come I will introduce you to some people I know you will like."
We walked towards two people who were dancing "Yoongi meet Hoseok son of Apollo and Jungkook son of Ares.."It is good to meet you." Hoseok smiles what radiated an aura of happiness then Jungkook gave me a shy smile what I found very strange since he is the son of Ares and you would expect him to be a more outgoing and confident person. Hoseok noticed my studying look and nudged Jungkook "I know he is shy but once you get to know him and he trust you enough he will open up to you."
When Hoseok said that I smiled maybe Jin was right, these guys weren't so bad "Well same goes for me." I tell Jungkook who nodded.
"So who wants to go swimming?" Jin asks.
Jungkook nodded eagerly before running to the water with Jin and Hoseok following after him.

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