Chapter 8: I Know who you are

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Song: Open mind by Wonho

Yoongi pov:
I was sitting on a rock observing the people around me. My team was discussing about where we should put our flag. Eventually I.M a son of Hermes suggested that we hang it in a tree and that the children of Athena should stay behind to protect it while the others went for the attack. Dami on the other hand wasn't totally pleased with it and began to argue with him. I was so focused on the situation that played out in front of me that I didn't notice someone sitting next to me until he I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around with a raised eyebrow to see Jimin sitting next to me. my throat became dry as my eyes met his. Jimin smiled and extended his hand "The name is Jimin, pleasure to meet you Yoongi."
"I know who you are." I tell the boy.
"Really." He beams happy "I didn't think you would know me."
"Why wouldn't I?" I question him.
"Well you don't really mingle with the people here, you are always on your own or with your own circle of friends."
"Well in that case what made you decided to sit next to me and start a conversation?"
Jimin bit his lip "Your best friend stole mine for a moment and told me that you would feel lonely without him since your other friends are in the other team."
I curse Jin inside my head for putting me in this position "You don't have to accompany me against your will, it is okay to leave. I am used to it."
I saw Jimin furrowing his eyebrows "What do you mean you are used to it?"
"That is nothing of your concern." I immediately respond what made Jimin look at the ground.
Then Jimin put his hand on my knee and left me breathless before starring straight in my eyes "I didn't sit here because Jin asked me, I came here because I wanted to and maybe if you stop pushing people away others won't leave you."
I pushed his hand off me before angrily glaring at him "Maybe I push people away to protect myself." Then I stood up and made my way over to the other of my team to see they were still in discussion.

"I think they would be the smartest choice" I.M argues.
"I agree." Dami replies "But we need an element of surprise."
"I will stay here to protect it." I suggest what made all the others look at me in shock.
"Are you going to participate?" Moonbyul asks me "You never join."
"This is a team assignment right, we should use everyone to his or hers full potential and we all now I am not the best runner or fighter so it is wise for me to stay here."
"I think Yoongi has a point." Rose says smiling "I will stay here with him."
"Okay then I guess we have our defense." Shownu speaks up.
"I agree." I.M replies before focusing his attention on Dami "What about you?"
She smirked before answering "Let's go get the other flag."
The rest of the team screamed, and I joined in. I let my eyes take in my surrounding only to see no sign of Jin. Then my eyes met Jimin and I directly looked the other way, I wouldn't admit it out loud, but his words hurt me.

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