Chapter 13: Burning

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Song: Monster by Red velvet (Irene and Seulgi)

Jungkook pov:
As my sister got Hoseok into safety I was left with the Chimera who was looking at me like I was his next meal. I twirled my sword and cocked my head to the side. It roared and came at me but before I had a change to fight Taehyung stood next to me. My eyes widened in shock and made me lose my focus. But then a dark cloud appeared in the sky and lighting strikes the monster who was in front of us. I jumped in front of the son of Demeter to protect him from any harm. The creature screamed as it was on fire from the lighting. "JUNGKOOK GET OUT OF THERE." I heard Yoongi scream at me as he was controlling another lightning bolt. The Chimera made a run for it and ran straight to the house of the Hermes children. I lifted Taehyung up and ran with him to the house of the Hermes children. Since the monster was on fire and the house of wood it easily burned. I looked at Taehyung in worry. Yoongi and Jin joined us.
"We have to get in and save the ones inside." Yoongi tells us as we heard screams and coughing come from inside the house.
"I will get Rose, she can use the water to put the fire out." Taehyung says before running away to find the daughter of Poseidon.
"Let's go." I say before storming inside the house with Yoongi.
"What about the Chimera." Jin yells.

I looked around and only saw smoke, I could hear someone coughing next to me and walked over to the noise. I could make out Handong. "Hey, I am Jungkook don't worry I am getting you out of here." I tell her before picking her up and carrying her outside to see that Rose was already using water to safe the house from the licking flames. I placed her on the grass outside and turned around. Jin was dodging every attack from the Chimera. I cursed under my breath as I saw him trip over a branch. I was about to run towards him but Namjoon showed up and shoved a sword inside the beasts her mouth at the moment she wanted to burn Jin with her hot breath. The beast screeched and fell down on the ground death. I sighed in relief as Namjoon helped Jin before I turned to the burning house. "Is everyone outside?" Chiffon asks as he appears at the scene.
"Jimin." Sehun coughs from the smoke "He was in the bathroom when the fire started, I haven't seen him outside yet."
"Yoongi is still inside as well." Taehyung tells Chiffon.
I was about to run inside again but then Yoongi emerged outside the smoking house with a limping Jimin. I smiled and ran into Taehyung his arms hugging him tight. "Where Is Hoseok." Yoongi asks as he scanned the crowd.
"In the Hospital tent." Chiffon answers "Dionysus and Siyeon are with him."
"What happened?" I ask.
"He was bit by the tail." He answers. I nodded and ran towards the tent Jin, Taehyung and Yoongi following me as we went towards our wounded friend. When we reached the tent we saw Hoseok unconscious shivering on the bed while mumbling gibberish, Siyeon was beside him crying while holding his hand. Dionysus was examining him while Gahyeon was fixing up some medicine. Apollo was the god of the sun, art, healing and diseases so it was only logical that his children would get some of his traits. Gahyeon being the one who was the best healer here was attending the wounds of her own brother with difficulty. "Is he going to be okay?" I ask.
"The snake tail had poisoned venom what is pulsing through his veins now, if the potion that Gahyeon makes is inserted in his bloodstream then it will neutralize the venom and he will be okay." Dionysus responds
"So he will be okay?" Siyeon asks smiling.
Dionysus nodded happily while Gahyeon inserted the needle with the neutralizing liquid into his vein.

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