Chapter 16: The truth

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Song: Promise by Bts Jimin

Jin pov
I walked happily out of the medical tent, Hoseok looked more than fine when I interrupted his make out session with one of my best friends. Jungkook was gagging next to me, feeling nauseous of witnessing his sister kissing. "Oh, grow up." Yoongi pats Jungkook his back "You will soon be kissing as well."
"Hyung. Stop embarrassing me." He hisses.
"What we all know how badly you want to push Taehyung on the wall and." Yoongi started but was interrupted by Jungkook clamping his hand on his mouth. Taehyung who was walking with us looked as red as a tomato. He coughed before excusing himself to go to the bathroom. Yoongi licked Jungkook his hand before making a run for it. Jungkook chasing after him. I chuckled and walked towards the hot tubs after getting my swimming gear on and let myself sink into the hot tub. I closed my eyes but couldn't relax for long since I heard the water splashing as a sign someone entered the tub. I carefully opened my eyes to see that Namjoon had got into the water. "So I guess Hoseok is okay?" he asks me.
I nodded "Yeah he will be fine."
Namjoon bit his lip "Do you have time to talk about last night?"
"What do you want to know." I softly smile at him.
"What made you freak out when I asked you out? Do you not like me? Did I do something to upset you? was it something I said?" Namjoon rambled. I shoke my head and placed a finger on his lips as a sign for him to be quiet.
"Namjoon stop rambling, I will explain." I sigh "promise me you won't look at me any different."
"I promise."
"Well as you might know, I was one of the first demigods to enter the camp." I started "When I was younger, I was outside the barrier with Yoongi, Siyeon, Kihyun and my younger sister Jisoo. We were being chased by a giant. We made it just in time." I looked down at the water "But the truth is I had a younger brother as well, his name was Soobin. When we were still at home with our mother, we were attacked one night since giants had smelled our mixed blood. They killed him and my mother in front of my eyes in my own home. I was young and was frozen in place when the giant made his way towards me, Jisoo threw her shoe at the monsters head, that made me snap out of my frozen state and grab her hand before running out of the house. We ran the whole night the Giant following our scent but then I met Yoongi and Kihyun. They helped us avoid him and for a few nights we were safe. Kihyun told us about this camp so we decided to journey together and, on our way, Siyeon joined us. We travelled for a few days as group before the giant picked up our smell again. We made it just in time to the camp." I tell Namjoon "that is why I am afraid to go outside the camp."
Namjoon looked at me and threw his arm on my shoulder pulling me towards him "I am sorry for asking such a thing."
"You didn't know." I smile laying my head on his chest "it just startled me when you asked me out outside the barrier."
"But you still want to date me?" He asks me "Even though I asked such a thing of you."
"Once again it isn't your fault." I look up at him.
"If you become my boyfriend I will wait for you to tell me if you want to go outside the camp."
"In that case, will you be my boyfriend son of Athena."
"I would love that, son of Aphrodite." He answers smiling.
I pecked his cheek "Thank you for understanding."
"Do you call that a kiss." Namjoon smirked before catching my lips with his own.

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