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realizing that they're falling in love with the courier

- ed-e, lily, & rex

There was nothing like watching the courier take down Legionaries with their own machetes. But that was only a side-benefit of Six. It was their smile and laugh that got him. They were sweet one minute, but could turn around and sock it to the first guy that walked into the bar. He knew the feeling that began in his chest. He had felt it when he met Carla. But after that feeling, another one, guilt. But this, this was...he needed to do this. He stared at the Courier and their eyes met his. He wasn't one to fall back on something, so he touched their hand, their shoulder, looking at them without his shades on. This was his confession, spoken through his actions.

They were always together, the two of them. Veronica loved the way the sun hit Six's hair and how in a fight, the girl could get right back up, even if she full of bruises and cuts and scratches. She looked beautiful with that intense look in her eyes, the one that said, "I'm gonna make you pay." She had that exact look with Benny. So, Veronica spilled the beans in one of their late night chats. She was all flustered, not sure what Six would say. "Well, I–uh, I...I think you're amazing and everytime I look at you, it's like a thousand Broc flowers are blooming in your eyes. You're just, ugh how do I say this?" But the feelings are mutual, Six grabs her hands and holds them. "You've already said it."

Maybe it was because Six was famous, but everyone looked at them when they passed. It was something that Arcade thought wouldn't really matter to him, but he kind of guiltily liked the attention. He loved being seen with him: a handsome, takes-care-of business type of guy. Who wouldn't want to be seen with someone like that? And he decided, when Six made a glance at him across their little table in Six's Atomic Wrangler suite, that he was going to tell him. He tried going the casual route: "So, ha, this is kind of funny. But um, you're really attractive and it's kind of distracting to my work, you know." He looked up, waiting for an answer. "You're a cutie too, doctor," Six replied. Arcade turned red.

They'd beat her in drinking contests more times than she could count. And they knew how to stare her down just right to the point where she'd get all uncomfortable. They were, well perfect. They had helped her make Gloria eat her hair, bought a shipment of Sunset and Whiskey for Cass to mix together, and joined her in shooting at the two statues outside of the Mojave Outpost. It was there, illuminated in the spotlight beneath the monument, that Cass slurred out, "I think I'm in love with you." And when Six wanted to open their mouth, she put a finger to their lips. "Hush, I don't want to hear what you're gonna say. I just wanted to tell you that."

They're resourceful, and never give up. That's what he likes about them. In a minute, they can rig up a makeshift weapon with his tools and slash through an incoming hoard of geckos. They know what it takes to survive, and the dirt on their hands, face, and neck just make them even more attractive. And the fact that they grow all concerned when he makes comments about getting old, just makes him insanely happy. They learned Spanish quick, picking it up from him and laughing and blushing from embarrassment when he corrected them. They're in the middle of the Mojave when he breaks the silence. "I've been meaning to tell you this for a while now. Te quiero mucho," he confesses and waits for their reaction. At first, he thinks they don't understand, but they smile and launch themselves at him in an hug.

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