Chapter 1

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Your ears were ringing, shaking uncontrollably only moments ago you had been living a normal life working at your dead end job bringing out greasy meals to asshole truck drivers. It felt like everything was falling to pieces around you, this was it. You were going to die. Head thumping your vision beginning to blur you tried to move but your body wouldn’t budge. You could tell your head was bleeding from what ever had been slammed into the back of your head. Everything was so confusing, whoever... Whatever had attacked you was inhumanly strong even if you had tried to put up a fight there was no way you could’ve got away.
A loud snarl snapped you out of the dream like state tears began to trickle down your face as you sobbed quietly every nerve was screaming for you to run move at least but you just couldn’t. A large strong had wrapped itself around you ankle and that thing stared to drag you across the rough concrete scratching your skin, making you whimper. All of a sudden it stopped letting go of your leg letting it drop harshly to the ground. Your attacker moved up and crouched down beside you giving you a better look at them. They were human. Normal looking in everyway that you could see. It was a man fairly well build with mousy brown hair jelled back and a black top tightly hugging his muscular body you couldn’t help but find him handsome.

“ Shut up will ya.” He said in a gruff voice placing a hand over your mouth to contain the sobbing. His head darted around like a bird’s obviously trying to listen to something. You tried to hear what had caught his attention but the ringing in your ears was still to loud to make out anything and your eyes where getting heavier as you began to pass out. But that’s when you heard it footsteps running towards you, people! Someone had found you, overjoyed you let out a sob of happiness attempting to get up again only to be held down by the young man leaving over you. Not sure whether you were hallucinating due to being hit over the head or just going mad but large fangs protruded from his mouth and claws growing out of his nail beds.

“ Stay back or I’ll slit her throat.” He shouted to whoever was running towards me to which there foot steps stopped and his hands moved down to your neck grabbing it tightly making you gasp weakly. The sound of a gun being shot was the last thing you heard before passing out everything going dark.
A burning sensation shot throughout your body jolted you awake. Gasping for air you sat up quickly seeing two men crouched down in front of you and another to your side his middle and index finger placed lightly to your temple which he quickly drew back.
“ Hey you ok there?” the taller one asked with a face full of concern, “ your safe now ok, we’ve got you.” Safe? That’s when it all came back, the man who attacked you his claws, teeth, your wound. Quickly your hand moved back to touch where he hit you. But it didn’t hurt, like at all and on pulling your hand back there was no blood your scratches gone too. What the hell.

“ I healed you.” Said the youngest one sat beside you with a beaming smile clearly proud of himself. Dark blonde hair hung slightly in font if his gorgeous blue-grey eyes. He was breath taking heat immediately going to your cheeks realising what a mess you probably looked.

“ What do you mean healed me?” You asked in confusion furrowing your brow looking at the other to men seemingly unfazed by what he said as if it was completely normal.

“ Well you where hurt and in pain, I stopped it.” He said still with that adorable smile stuck in his face, “ I’m Jack by the way, this is Sam,” pointing at the tallest one with long drown hair still looking at you with concern, “ and that’s Dean.” Jack stood up and offered you his hand which you took shakily and stood up still confused over what he mean about healing you. I mean how was that possible.

“ Er... Ok thanks I guess, I’m Y/N.” You said smiling slightly dusting off some of the dirt from your clothes seeing they were completely ruined making you frown a little.

“ Well it’s nice to meet you Y/N sorry you had to go through all this I can’t imagine how you feel right now but do you think you could answer some questions for us?” Sam kindly walking closer and smiling a little.

“ Y-Yeah I think I’m ok, I might not be too helpful though I was pretty out of it. What was he? He clearly wasn’t human.” You said laughing lightly looking down at the ground. 

“ Werewolf.” Dean replied bluntly.

“ Werewolves are real! Your joking right.” You said looking between all three of them shocked.

“ No. And this one is part of a pack.” He sighed kicking the lifeless body of your attacker you haven’t yet noticed laying limp of the floor in a pool of blood. “ He wouldn’t have said anything about that would he?” You gasped a little at the sock of seeing a dead guy immediately pulling your eyes back up to Dean.

“ Um no he didn’t... but I think I can help you find out.”

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