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Nighttime had already set for approximately seven hours already but Hope paid no mind to it

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Nighttime had already set for approximately seven hours already but Hope paid no mind to it.
The road trip was to be long, from Vermont to Kansas but they'd already made it halfway through the journey and half of twenty five hours didn't seem so long anymore.

''A day, Hope,'' Clarisse started as she shone the flashlight back on the map from her spot in the passenger seat, ''You're meeting your soulmate a day after you found out about him. Isn't that exciting?''

''You know what would have excited me more?'' Hope's neck started to ache so she readjusted her jacket, pressed it against the window and pushed back before lying down again. ''If the guy lived closer. Say, Pennsylvania.''

''Don't be bitter,'' Clarisse said as she nudged JP's shoulder slightly. ''Eyes on the road, not in the back of your head.''

JP sighed but kept a steady hand on the steering wheel anyway.

''Can we stop at the next station, please? I'm hungry.'' Hope whined and rolled her neck as she looked up at the ceiling but nonetheless, she was ignored right away.

''Okay, so, I looked it up online and there are two Jack Kline's in Kansas but none in Lebanon.''

''Maybe he's using a fake name.''

''He's not a spy, JP.''

''That massive looking bunker on the map could have fooled me there.''

A groan was heard behind the boy but Clarisse would rather not pay attention to Hope. Still, she was grateful that the girl was willing to meet her soulmate only to please her, since she knew how much she hated those things.

''Okay, so we still have about twelve hours to go. Here,'' Clarisse brought the map on JP's side and his eyes wandered to it for a second before going back to the road.

''Got it. You guys can go to sleep.''

''Frankly, I don't think I'll be able to sleep right now. The level of excitement is just too far up.'' She clapped her hands excitedly and took back the map as she put the flashlight back on the red dot.
Jack Kline, even his name sounded fancy.

''He's probably a very nice guy. I imagine him with good manners and the kind of guy to bring flowers to a picnic date.'' One of the three rolled her eyes while the passenger went on, but it wasn't JP.

''Right. If he's meant to be with Hope, it just further proves the theory that opposites attract.''

Hope would have liked for this whatever relationship she apparently was meant to have with this Jack fella to be strictly South and North Pole, but with Clarisse in the way, she knew things were headed in a bad direction for her.

''I'm hungry.'' Hope repeated as she finally rose and tossed her jacket aside. She put her feet down in the space under Clarisse's seat and leaned between the pair of her friends.

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