Chapter 3: The Meeting

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Third Person POV

As she walked 5 meters away from him, the guy wearing a hoodie stopped and got his phone from his pocket and texted someone. Deborah was watching him and thought, "Why is this guy wearing a hoodie walking into this abandoned school building?"

Then suddenly a figure started to come closer and closer to him. "Is that..." Deborah whispered.

"Sam? What the heck is she doing here and what is her relationship with this guy?" she again whispered.

"So, did you get what I asked for?" Sam asked to the guy. The guy then again grabbed something from his back pocket and it was a flash drive. "Thanks Howard." she said.

Suddenly a sound was heard.

Our Whole Universe Was In A Hot, Dense State. Then Nearly 14 Billion Years Ago Expansion Started.....Wait!

It was Deborah's phone ringing. To cliché for a ringtone, am I right?

She then panicked and put her phone to silent and ran as fast as she can away from the two who are starting to chase her. She finally reached the outside of the building and went to her secret place near the building.

"Where did she go?" Howard said and caught some air. "There is only one person who has that kind of ringtone." Sam said as she crossed her arms.

"The old janitor lady?" he replied. "No you idiot! She passed away years ago since you got expelled. It's Deborah." she said to him.

"That chick chose her ringtone with that song?" he said and put down his hood revealing his face, it's somewhat angelic but like a devil at the same time, he also has a light blue dyed hair and has an ear piercing on his left ear.

"Of course she did. She is a geek and a cool person at the same time." she replied. "Now, go. I'll figure out how to solve this problem." she added and they both went on their separate ways.

Meanwhile, Deborah is inside a room where it is covered by an old vending machine at the outside of the abandoned building. "Dang it!" she said to herself. "Should have changed my ringtone or at least put my phone on silent mode. Gosh, what an idiot am I?" she again said.

This room was like her "safe space", it' where she goes every time she has a problem. She looked at her phone to see who called her and it was the guy or gal named, "Missie". She thought that it might be a guy using a girl's name or if it is really a girl which is making her more confused.

She tried to call it back. It took a few rings and it answered.

"Hey it's me, Deborah. Why did you call at such ungodly hour?"

"Oh, please. I accidentally just dialled you or how the call it "butt dial" and I am just somewhere here watching how fast you can run."

"Really? That's your excuse? You even sound like a man and your chose your name to be Missie."

"Well, I'm not alone. I have a couple of friends. We are watching you."

"You bunch of creeps! How many of you are spying on me?"

"How many rings did it take you to let me answer this call? And of course also include this call." After he said that she had her mouth left hanging. She is getting more confused and has a lot of questions to ask them.

"There are 9 of you?"

"Correction, "There are 9 people wanting to help you." How would there be 9 of me? I'm unique."

"I mean......Why? Why do you want to help me?"

"Because you want revenge. WE will help you get that revenge. Remember OUR meeting." he finally said and hanged up making her nervous for their meeting.

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