Chapter 11: Dream Girl

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Deborah's POV

"Where's Hayly?" I asked and they all looked at me and went closer.

"She's back at the hospital. No need to worry; the nurses there are taking good care of her." Lester replied.

I just nodded and tried to go back to sleep.

"Are you okay?" Jade began to ask and I faced her with a serious look in my face.

"Yeah, Vinci helped me." was all I said and they let out a gasp. I gave them a confused face and asked them what's wrong.

But they just smiled and continued on their own story. I again tried to go back to sleep until I heard something interesting. My brain won't let me sleep will it?

"You don't think he has...?"

"Of course not, he probably has a reason."

"Let us just go back on talking about our plan. All we have to do is kidnap some scientist, let them make the bomb, and then we start taking over."

"Make sure those scientists won't tell anyone and don't let them piss Vinci."

Some plan they thought of.

Is this really going to work? Considering that the heroes might catch up but we are stronger.

"Let Deborah capture the scientists. She is improving, as Vinci said, "He is a lot like her mother." deal?"


Why me?

                                                                                  [12:00 AM]

                                                                         [At The Living Room]

"Remember Deborah, you're 8 years old now and when you grow older be sure to be friends with the heroes."

"Yes mother."

She smiled at me as she carried me while going outside the backyard. I saw dad and my brother proudly smiling at me, so I smiled back.

Suddenly as I look at my mother she looked serious; I was scared. She went closer to the well and I kept asking on what she will do to me.

As we stopped in front of the well, she suddenly said something that I couldn't hear and then she threw me at the well.

I soon realized I was a teen and everything around me were memories, bad memories. I cried for help as I saw a light coming from above and saw shadows of three persons: my mother, my father, and my brother.

Voices were everywhere that I couldn't understand what they were saying but one voice caught my attention, it was Clyde's.

"I can protect you."

"I know that I didn't save your mother but I promise her that I will protect you."

I realized that I cried so bad then it changed into Vinci's voice.

"Don't worry, we will help you get your revenge."

"I will tell about your mother soon."

"Soon?! I need answers now!" I shouted until my voice cracked.

Everything is confusing: my emotions, what the theft is happening, and who should I trust.

Is everything I'm doing right? Should I trust Vinci; the person who helped me or Clyde; the person who wants to protect me?

When I killed those animals; was my mom happy or mad?

My vision turned red with a mix of black then I heard someone.

"Is this what you wanted? Revenge."

"Yes, of course! Why would you ask me that?"

"Are you happy with what you are doing?"

"This makes me feel alive and I awakened my unknown powers besides, who are you?"

"If that is your answer then I can no longer help you."

"What?" I said then I woke up and I felt dizzy.

My foot and leg still hurts, when I look around there were at the ground sleeping in their sleeping bags. "How cute." I whispered and smiled.

I made the right choice, my mother was once a villain so I know she is proud of what I chose. Being part of this villain group was unexpected but I love it.

"If that is your answer then I can no longer help you."

Help me? Help me do what? Is that the inner me talking? It can't be because if it was then it should agree with me.

The dream was just a nightmare. Don't think about it that much.

"You're awake this early." Kristian said while getting up and rubbing his eyes. I looked at him and just smiled.

"I just had a bad dream. That's all." I told him and he asked me if I want something to drink.

"Orange juice please." I said and he went to get some.

He came back with my juice and gave it to me. I drink slowly as I saw him staring at me like a creep.

"Uh, why are you here anyways? Why are all of you sleeping here at the floor?" I asked him so he won't stop staring.

"Kukushi planned it; he said it's best if we should stay here with you so if you woke up and need something, you can call us." he explained as he scratched his neck.

"This is why I love you guys." I said and he smiled at me. I continued my drink and told him that I'll just go back to sleep. He nodded and he just told me if I need something just text me because he'll be staying at his room playing online games.

I again went back to sleep but.....

Can't you just let me go back to sleep?!

There was a thud from the other room and of course my curious self wants to know what made that sound got up even though my right leg and left ankle is hurting that I started limping to go to some room.

I then was in the kitchen when I saw Vinci bending over to get some books that fell. He then stared at me and I said, "Hi."

"Sorry for waking you up." he said but I shook my head saying I was awake the whole time.

"What kind of books are those?" I asked and he told me to sit down so I did.

"These aren't books Deborah, they are photo albums." he replied opening one photo album and showed it to me.

It was a picture of him with other kids in white polo's and blouses but one girl was wearing a hospital gown. The next picture was him with the tentacles at his back and his eyes looked like it was begging for help.

The third picture was a picture of him with a person who was probably a best friend to him; they were laughing and doing the fist-bump but Vinci "X" the person's face. I don't want to ask him why.

Then as I flip to the next page, the next picture was a picture of him putting band aid on a girl's knee. As I look closer on who the girl is, she looked like me when I was young.

That girl was my mother.

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