Chapter 17: Unknown . Visitor

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Deborah's POV

Sitting here at the back seat while Lester drives to our destination, I scrolled to my phone and listened to music being played at the radio.

I looked up in Google if they knew who burned down my house but it just said that they are still searching for the suspect. Seriously, these cops can't do their jobs right. Do they think that the suspect will unexpectedly show up at the station confessing his sins? Who does that?

I didn't notice that we are already at my old house when Lester opened the door beside me on which I was leaning on making me fall on the ground.

"You could have just told me that we are here you know?" I said while slowly getting up.

"I keep calling your name a couple of times and you seem too spaced out so I just did that to let you snap out of it", he replied while helping me go in front of the burned down house.

The door and the stairs going up to it survived while the rest were gone and turned into ashes. I tried limping to go at the backyard to see if the grave was still there and thankfully it was.

Suddenly we heard a sound of a bell ringing and as we turned around it was Clyde who was getting off his bike.

I quickly stand up straight while Lester is beside me.

"You hang out with guys a lot", he said as he went closer to us. I just grinned and gave him a high-five.

"This is Lester, a friend of mine who wants to see my old house and that's why he's here with me today", I said pointing at Lester and he just smiled.

"And Lester, this is Clyde", I said and he shook hands with Clyde.

"So who is this person that you want me to meet?" I asked and looked from my left to right.

He just got his phone and started calling someone while me and Lester just glanced at each other.

I told Lester to just go and see the burned down house if he wants to and he just nodded and started going through the door and smiled to me like an idiot and I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Unbelievable", I said to myself out of disbelief.

"She will be coming in few minutes", he said while butting back his phone in his pocket.

"She? So you want me to meet your girlfriend?" I asked him and my feet couldn't take it anymore so I just sat down at the first step of the stairs carefully and he sat beside me.

He laughed at my question as soon as he sat down and I just glared at him.

"Why would I have a girlfriend?" he said and goes back to laughing when I suddenly remembered the girl she was with when I saw him at the arcade.

"Wait, is it that girl I saw who was with you in the arcade?" I asked him and he just smiled and suddenly a taxi showed up and as soon as the door opened, a little girl wearing a red dress while hugging her teddy bear came out.

The girl went near Clyde and he hold her hand while saying, "Meet my little sister."

I was shocked at what he said. A sister?! That can't be, did they adopt her?

Lester then came out and went close to and whispered to me on who the little girl was and I told him that it was his sister and he just looked at me weirdly.

"He has been my friend since I was young and his twin sister died unexpectedly", I explained to Lester.

"Oh, okay but I guess she is adopted", he replied and just stared at the girl.

"Hi little girl. What's your name?" Lester said in a soothing voice. Then the girl just looked at Clyde and he nodded.

"My name is Alexandria. Nice to meet you", she said.

"Well, my name is Deborah and I have been friends with your brother since we were young and this is my friend, Lester", I introduced myself then smiled.

Lester then played with Alexandria wile Clyde is sitting here beside me.

"Is she adopted?" I randomly asked.

"Yes, she is."

"My parents were planning on adopting a girl younger than me since you stayed at my house and because they miss my twin sister."

"Oh, I guess they missed having a girl in the house making them want to have one."


"One question, how the theft does she know how to ride a taxi by herself?"

"Oh that, my mother her some stuff including how to ride a taxi alone or a jeepney."

"You really have one weird of a family", I said while playfully punching his arm and laughed.

We noticed that Lester and Alexandria are lying at the ground like a bunch of idiots and I face palmed and shook my head sideways while Clyde just sighed then laughed a little.

Lester then got up and walked towards me and held his hand meaning that I should get up and not always sit down.

I got his hand and got up quickly making my feet hurt so bad that I had to hide the pain in my face.

"Is something wrong?" Clyde asked, theft, I think he saw it.

"She just got a cramp for sitting too long", Lester replied. Thank goodness.

I just smiled and head inside the car with Lester.

"How about we head to our home first, there were some things that the firemen saved from the fire", Clyde suggested and we nodded in approval.

So we put Clyde's bike at the back of the car and we let him and his sister ride with us.

I was sitting at the back with Alexandria while Clyde is at the front seat with Lester who is obviously driving.

I feel that something is watching me the entire time and as I glance at her she is just staring at me.

"Your sister is giving me the creeps", I said and Clyde just sighed and looked back at us.

"Alexandria, if you have something to say just say it", he said to his sister and she just nodded and he looked at the front.

"Do you want to be my brother's bride?" she asked and I just looked at her while my mouth is open that no words want to come out and Lester suddenly burst into laughter while Clyde just sighed and looked at the view.

"Nope", I said popping the "p".

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