Chapter 7: The Game (2)

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Deborah's POV

[All of you will get a refill. Now, go to the living room and talk with each other.]

I went to the living room and saw everyone there, I guess I'm late again.

John looks like he is thinking of something, he is so into this game.

Everyone is really quiet and it's making me nervous and the tension is really awkward. I started to think of a plan on who I will "kill" next.

I think I should "kill" John, it's like he knows something. I suddenly look at Ace and it looks like she has been staring at me for a long time or she is just staring without realizing. Does she have ADHD?

Suddenly Jade brought out a piece of paper and we all look at her.

"The clue I found says, "A" which is very hard to determine who the killer is because almost everyone has the letter A on their names." Jade said.

"Maybe it's not our names but our nicknames." I suddenly said.

"Like the nickname Ace" Kukushi said.

I can't believe I accidentally said that and now everyone thinks Ace is the killer. Nice.

Ding Dong Ding

"Breaktime over. Now begin the searching and for the killer, begin killing." Vinci said and I started to get my water bottle at my room and I head to the basement.

I have never been to the basement before so I am a bit scared.

I opened the door to the basement and find the switch of the light. As the light shined, it was full of weapons.

Wow, I want the katana that's color purple. I was awed by the sight of this. I guess my villain soul is finally kicking in.

Suddenly my phone was ringing and I answered it.

"Hello? What do you want?"

"It's me, Sam. Where are you right now?"

"I know who you are. I won't tell you where I am beside it's late it the night."

"Hmmm, fine. Goodnight."

"Night." I said and hang up.

I then heard footsteps coming down and suddenly it was Jonathan.

He just smiled and started to search the clue. Good thing I found it while I was calling Sam.

"Have you found the clue?" he asked.

"No, I was busy calling Sam that I forget to search for the clue." I lied but the Sam part was true and I went near Jonathan and I opened my water bottle and pretend to drink and I poured some to Jonathan who was surprised.

"Really?" he said and I just giggled and he smirked and lay down on the floor. I pretend to scream and I hear loud footsteps coming down.

"Nice acting." was what Jonathan said when both Hayly and Kukushi came down.

"My neck will start to hurt because of this game." Hayly said and of course Jonathan stand and went to Vinci's office probably.

Then suddenly Hayly and Kukushi opened their drinks and poured it on me.

"What the theft?" I said and looked at my wet clothes.

Ding Dong Ding

"The killer has been killed. Now everyone go back to the living room." Vinci stated.

I was about to head to my room but instead Jonathan stopped me and gave me a towel. We both went to the living room and we saw Vinci standing in the middle.

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