Chapter 12: Short

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Deborah's POV

I couldn't express my emotions. My mother was hurt but Vinci helped her, it even looks like Vinci is older and my mom is younger but it's the complete opposite.

I looked at Vinci and he sighed and I can tell he is sad because of his eyes.

"Of course, I have to help someone who is in danger. I mean, I was a child back then." he said and I looked back at the photo.

How I miss her so much.

I closed the album so I won't start crying because I'll probably see more pictures of her. I just sighed and gave him back the album.

"Were you about to look at some pictures?" I asked.

"Yes, I just want to see pictures and let old memories flash through my mind." he replied then just putting them back in the shelf. You can still look at pictures even though I'm here you know.

"You're going to look at them without me?" I asked and I crossed my arms.

He nodded and went back to his bed and went to sleep or he just laid down there and pretends to sleep so I can leave and he can look at the pictures. How annoying he can be sometimes.

I have no choice to limp back in the living and I saw Kristian holding a pizza box in his left hand and using the other one to hold the pizza he was eating.

He saw me and showed me the pizza meaning he wants me to have some, so I went to him trying not to wake the others and I grabbed a slice of pizza.

"Where were you?" he asked me while looking at his half-eaten pizza.

"I was Vinci's room, I heard a thud so I went to check it out." I answered and took a bite of my pizza.

Obviously Jade woke up from us chatting and she also took a slice of pizza. She actually was fake sleeping the whole time and heard everything starting from my conversation with Kristian when I woke up at 12 in the morning.

We ended talking about ghosts stories or paranormal activity; don't know how it ended up into that topic.

I noticed that it's already 6 and I have to get ready for school but in my condition, I have to be absent in a couple of days again.

Vinci suddenly entered the room wearing pajamas, he wasn't wearing that when I saw him a while ago. Kristian almost choked because he can't handle seeing Vinci in a different type of clothes. I mean Vinci wearing shorts that are silky, probably, if you know Howard's pj's from The Big Bang Theory, you know what I mean.

I told him to stop and Vinci finally spoke.

"You don't have to go to school anymore Deborah. I told the principal that you will be home schooled from now on and of course, that isn't true because you will spend the rest of your life with us being a villain." he stated and I never felt so happy in my life.

But I sure will miss Clyde and how am I going to explain it to him. He understands, besides he is my best friend and friends must support each other no matter what.

He then kicked Kukushi and he woke up being annoyed then he suddenly saw Vinci's serious face and started getting up and heading to the kitchen.

"You weren't wearing those clothes a while ago." I said and pointed at his shorts.

"I was wearing them, go to a doctor that checks up your eyesight. I think you are going blind." he said and left the room.

"I was sure of seeing him wearing a tux." I said to Jade but I noticed she wasn't here. Great, I was talking to my friend the wind.

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