Chapter 8: Training

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Deborah's POV

[4:30 AM]

I woke up due to the alarm I set on my phone. I turned it off and went to the bathroom to have a quick shower. As soon I was done, I put on my sports bra and short pants and I also put some bandages on my hands.

I went to the gym which was the training room and saw Lester, Kris, and Jade. They all started attacking me with punches and kicks but I block it with my hands.

I then grabbed Lester's foot and I threw him down. Suddenly Jade punched me in the gut and I coughed some blood out.

I then got up straight and tried to punch Jade but she kept on blocking me and punching me. I fell down and she held her hand out and I grabbed it making her fell down and I placed my foot on her back so she won't move.

"Good job." Kris said. "Now it's time to train your powers. Close your eyes and feel the sword come out, don't think of nothing else, think about the sword." he added.

I closed my eyes and tried to feel my powers but nothing, nothing came out. The sword didn't come out.

I sighed and Jade comforted me.

"What went wrong?" I asked. "I know that my powers are here but...." I couldn't continue my sentence due to the doubt I am feeling.

"It will appear, don't worry. Let us just focus on your combat skills." Kris said and I nodded.

I punched here and there. I kicked that dummy and the other dummy. I spar with Kris and lost. I focused and trained my skills.

It was almost 7 in the morning and my school starts at 8 so I still have time.

I went back to my room and had another shower. After I was done changing my clothes, I went to the dining room and sat down at the table and started to eat.

Vinci and I were the only ones at the table eating. Kukushi was still at the kitchen cooking for the others.

Vinci started talking, "So, how was your training?"

I just shrugged while eating and he glared at me. I immediately gulped down my food and said, "It was fine but my powers didn't work. I was focusing and clearing my mind but nothing happened."

He put down his spoon and said, "You are a villain, remember that. We kill, we steal, we threaten people. Maybe if you think this kind of stuff and focusing on who is your target, your powers might come."

"Let me tell you this Deborah, your mother had powers but I don't know where she got them. She had the same powers as you, I guess you had her powers but the sword stuff wasn't hers." he added.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The powers that are the same with your mother were the ability to control or move things. I'm guessing that, that is your father's power." he explained.

"Were my parents villains with unknown source of powers?" I asked.

Vinci just kept quiet and continued eating. I too decided to continue on eating but I still had these questions in my mind.

"You will soon know the answers Deborah. Just be patient." he said after finishing is breakfast and went back probably to his office.

I stood up and grabbed my bag and head out for school.

[10:00 AM]

[At The School Gym]

It was break time and suddenly Sam called me and she has to ask me something.

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