The hero Killer

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When we made it to Hosu city Endeavor made me and Todoroki patrol the areas. The whole time it looked like he had something on his mind.

Endeavor was slightly in front of us and me and Todoroki were walking side by side. Endeavor looked angry the whole time and havnt really said a word to me which made me uncomfortable.

Once Endeavor was out of sight I decided to find out what's up with Shoto.

"Hey, is something wrong?" I asked him fiddling with my hands.

"No, why do you ask?" He gave me a small smile, but it looked forced.

"You just look like you have something on your mind... You know you can always talk to me." I looked over at him and he was looking at the ground, but his facial expression was really sad. It confused me because there wasn't anything to be sad about.. Well at least I thought there wasn't.

"You know I love you (y/n)." He gave me a sad smile and stopped walking, he grabbed my hands in his.

"Of course I know you do... Your scarying me."I gave him a look mixed with sadness and concern.

"My father told me that he's rearranging a quirk marriage..." My eyes Widened.

"F-for who exactly?" I didn't want to believe it was for him for a second. The thought of losing him made my heart rate quicken.

Todoroki sighed and pulled me into a tight hug.

"You know who (y/n)..." He hugged me tighter, I could tell it hurt him to say this.

".....oh" those were the only words I could get out.

"I convinced my father to let you intership with me at least." He started rubbing the back of my head while my head was buried into his chest, his other arm was around my waist.

"w-with who?" I gulped.

He pulled away from the hug to look at me. Tears were threatening to come down my face.

"My father wants me to arrange a quirk marriage with yaoyorozu.. There parents already agreed.." My breathing started to pick up.. This was literally my worst nightmare. Seeing Shoto with another girl.. Touching her.. Kissing her... Hugging her.. I couldnt take it anymore, I fell down to my knees and started balling. Nothing could stop my tears from rolling down my cheeks.. I was literally down to no one.

Todoroki kneeled down besides me, I looked at him and he looked like he was about to cry too.

"Why...?" I asked him with a whimper.

"Your making this so hard (y/n).. I don't want to do it either." His voice was cracking and his hand was on my back.

"B-but you said you'd fight for me.. No matter what. So is this it? Is this how it ends?!" I raised my voice at him a bit, but sadness took over my voice and I went back to a whisper.

"(Y/n)." There was a Crack in his voice.

"No, you don't get it, you were All I had left. My motivation was you dammit! Now my moms gone, my brothers gone. And now you?" I could tell that I was making him feel bad, but I didn't care at this point.

"(Y/n), please listen." He pulled me into a tight hug, one that I never wanted to leave.
"I love you, and I will never stop loving you. This is just as hard for me as it is for you." He buried his face in my hair. I sniffled, finally starting to calm down.

Suddenly my phone made a 'ding' sound as long as Todoroki's.

I sniffled again and pulled out my phone. It was Midoriya, he sent his location?

Todoroki X reader I'll fight for you Where stories live. Discover now