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Shoto's POV

(Y/n)'s finally starting to get better, she still couldn't exactly fight like she used to but she was getting there. Although (y/n)'s recovery is what has been most on my mind, there was still one more thing on my mind that I had to sort out, and that one thing would be talking to Momo. I know (y/n) won't like it, but I did say after all of this is over I would talk to her, so that's just what I'm going to do.

It was getting close to the end of the school year again, a lot happened and I couldn't wait to start a new year with (y/n) and hopefully a much better one.

Ring Ring Ring Ring

The bell rung signaling class was over making me jump out of my thoughts.

"Shoto, are you okay?" I looked to the side of me where Momo sat.

"Yes just fine. Actually do you think w-we could talk?" I said looking back down towards my desk.

"Oh um well of course, it's lunch time so do you want to go to the roof?" Her voice sounded shocked and I could see why, but I needed to sort things out. The only thing is, I Usually go to the roof with (y/n).

"Hey Shoto.. Momo...." (y/n) greeted us and I gave her a small smile.
"I've got to go to the nurses office before I eat but I'll meet you at lunch Shoto." She started to turn around but I stopped her.

"Do you want me to walk with you?" I asked, hoping I could talk to (y/n) first before I talk to Momo, because if (y/n) just caught us talking on the roof alone it would probably look weird to her since that's originally our spot I guess you can say.

"I'll be fine Shoto, you don't have to worry so much, It's not that far from here, I'll just meet you where we usually eat lunch." She gave me a cute smile which caused me to smile. She was so beautiful.
"W-wa-" but before I could finish my sentence she was out the door. Dammit.

"Ready Shoto?" Momo smiled at me and stood up from her desk.

I stayed silent and stood up and walked past her towards the roof.

"Is something wrong Shoto?" Momo asked as we walked down the hallway.

"No, actually can we maybe talk somewhere besides the roof, that's kinda mine and (y/n)'s spot." I scratched the back of my head and looked down to the floor.

"Oh I see. Well I mean we're already right here so..." then all of a sudden I heard footsteps going up the stairs.

Now that annoyed me.

"Are you serious." I then started walking up the stairs after her.
"Do you not have any respect?" I gave her a annoyed glance.

"I'm sorry... just what did you want to talk about?" She had a weird look on her face, my gut told me I should get out of here that something wasn't going to work out well.

"What's up with you?" I shook my head in disappointment.
"Ever since (y/n) started recovering you seem to be more hateful towards her, I just want to let you know, I don't like you like that. We can be friends but nothing more. Sorry I just thought I had to set boundaries." I started to walk away down the stairs but then Momo grabbed my hand and turned me around. What happened next would definitely Ruin any farther friendship.

"S-sorry I don't know what came over me." She was blushing like crazy. But I was infuriated.

"We are no longer friends." I had my fist balled up.

"Then what are you." I turned around to a sad  (y/n) looking at me in the eyes. It looks like she was about to cry, her chin was shaking and eyes were watery. My eyes widened.

Todoroki X reader I'll fight for you Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon