Waking up

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"I think it's not a bad idea"

Your POV

So warm.... I half woke up very tired, but comfortable, I didn't want to move. My eyes were so heavy, then I remembered what happened the night before then slightly started blushing realizing I was still naked. Shotos arms were wrapped around me from behind. I always love cuddling like this, I definitely felt more safe. The only thing was I had to pee really bad, which meant I had to get up from being this comfortable. Damn bladder ruining everything. I sighed as I unwrapped Shoto's arms from my bare body. He was a heavy sleeper, I swear he could fall asleep anywhere, so I don't think he would be getting up anytime soon. But as for me, I've always been a light sleeper, anything could wake me up, even the slightest buzz on my phone. (Sorry if your the opposite, for now just pretend lol)

After I got done using the bathroom I finally decided to look at my phone to see the time.

"5:20 am" the bright screen on my phone read.

"Still early" I whispered to myself. I honestly felt sore all over. I definitely should have waited until after graduation to have sex for the first time. It did hurt a lot, but felt good at the same time. Shoto seemed like he enjoyed it, so I'm glad I could make him happy. I smiled to myself as I started putting on comfy clothes since it was still early.

I climbed back into bed with Shoto, as he immediately wrapped his arms around me from behind pretty much spooning me and putting one of his legs over mine trying to get closer. I loved him so much. Was the last thought I had before falling back to a comfortable sleep.

Shoto's POV

*knock* *knock* *knock*

My eyes shot open as I heard knocking on my door.

Dammit I' I thought as the knocking got louder. I looked down to see (y/n) starting to wake up from the knocking, she was a very light sleeper.

quickly unwrapped my arms around her, kind of upset because this is not how I wanted to wake up and quickly put my boxers and shorts on, not really caring about a shirt right now.

"Are you okay Shoto?" (Y/n) asked rubbing her eyes and giving me a small cute smile. I gave her a smile back and realized that she had clothes on. She must have woken up earlier. Then I remember everything from last night, and started getting slight butterflies in my stomach.

"I-I'm good (y/n), just wait here, I'll get the door". It was a small dorm room but there was a wall blocking where my bed was since the bathroom was right there.

"Yes?" I said in a slightly irritated voice.

"Do you not know what time it is?!" I was greeted by an annoyed looking Bakugo and a worried looking Kirishima.

"Uh, no?" I scratched my head out of confusion, I did just wake up.

"Well we need to get ready! And finish setting up the graduation party!" Kirishima exclaimed

"By the way have you seen (y/n)? The girls can't find her." Kirishima asked me. I would say that she was in my room but, just by looking at me and saying I woke up late, which I usually don't, would probably give everyone ideas of what happened, and those ideas would have probably been correct.

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