Bakugo's Story

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Recap (this is from part 11 "surprised" of the book)
"Who's your brother." He looked stressed I had no idea what was happening.
"W-Why?" I didn't really want to answer that question.
"TELL ME (Y/N)!"
"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" I yelled with my voice cracking and Tears started forming in my eyes. I hated talking about my brother because all that came with it was guilt.
I then heard somone run into the room where we were. It was Todoroki. I instantly went up to hug him silently crying in his chest trying to make it non noticable to Bakugo but Todoroki could obviously feel the tears on his shirt.
"Dammit I didn't mean to make you cry." Bakugo's voice got softer.
Todoroki held his hand on my head keeping me close giving Bakugo a mean look.
"Why would you mention stuff like that!" Todoroki yelled still holding me.
Bakugo just stayed silent and angrily stomped out the Room but before he left the room he said
"Because someone told me he's still Alive." And with that he left.

Bakugo's POV (Flashback to before what I wrote above happened)

I was walking home from school.

Why is that damn Deku getting so strong, and why havnt he ever showed his quirk to me? Is he trying to prove he's better than me?

I walked into my house, hands in my pocket and angry from thinking about Deku.

"IM HOME OLD HAG." I yelled through the door.

... no answer. Weird. I let out a huff and went up to my bedroom, they must be at work or something.

I played video games with for a while, and realized that, that old hag wasn't home yet, neither was the old man.

I turned off my counsel and grabbed my phone.

I clicked on the contact that said "old hag" I don't usually call her, but it was getting late I would never admit it out loud, but I was starting to get worried.


.... her phone went to voicemail.

Maybe the old man will pick up.


.... his phone went to voicemail too.

Now what the fuck is going on here.

"Looking for these?" I quickly turned around my eyes going wide.

The old hags and the old mans phone was in the guy about my age hands.

I was getting ready to use my quirk on him before he flashed in front of me and grabbed my wrist.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."'He smirked.

He pointed behind him, to reveal two more villains.

I let out an annoyed sigh.

"I'LL FIGHT ALL OF YOU ASSHOLES!" Being defeated wasn't my thing.

I let explosions out of my hands making the boy let go of me. He looked familiar.

I was immediately grabbed by the two villains behind me.
One had blonde hair up in two buns and was giggling in amusement. The other one had a stiched up face, and looked to have no emotion.

The boy ran up to me with super speed, and I thought I had fast reflexes. He put a knife up to my neck..

"Now I suggest  you listen to me carefully. Do as we say, and you will get your family back. Don't do as we say and die."

The way he said"die" reminded me of somehow a way I would act, just not in a villain way.

"Whats the catch." I growled at him.

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