Reflection On The Past

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Bakugo sits at his desk waiting for his punishment to come. He was caught trying to pick a fight with some under class men who were talking trash. As a result he was sent back to the classroom to wait for a suitable punishment for his behavior. Bakugo rests his head on his hand and finds himself thinking of the past. All of his actions and regrets.

A small Bakugo leads his small friends down a rocky path. Bakugo slips on a loose rock and falls down to the stream below. His friends laugh and he gets up. "Be up in a sec-" before he could finish his green haired friend ran down to his side. He held out a hand asking if he was okay. The little Bakugo's pride and anger took action. He slaps the hand away and gets up. He says hateful words to the little green haired boy.

Bakugo grinds his teeth rembering the day. He was such a fucking jerk to Deku. Like the time he kicked him off the playground slide and broke his arm. Or the time he punched him after he offered some candy. Bakugo was a horrible person but his fucking pride won't let him do anything else. And beside if I let Deku be my friend he would just see how horrible I am. He will just...

Bakugo and two of his sidekicks corner Deku then hit him. "Such a fuckin' nerd! Fuckin die..go take a swan dive off the roof!" Yelled Middle school Bakugo. They took his notebook and blew it up. Bakugo tossed it into the fountain and left. He looked back and saw Deku crying trying to get his notebook.

Bakugo slammed his head on to the desk. "Fuckin stop making me hate myself more..stupid brain" he said to himself softly. He knows he is terrible that's why he can' he won't have close friends. He will never allow himself any happiness. Especially ... Kirishima, he won't allow himself to have him. Mina, Sero and Denki is Kirishima's friends. He doesn't need me.

Bakugo looked up as he heard Kirishima's voice. Kirishima flew in the sky with Iida and Deku, his arm out. His hand offered to Bakugo. Bakugo acted fast blasting his way to them. He took Kirishima's hand with a wide smile. He was never that happy in his life. Afterwords he let Kirishima do what he wanted. He made sure to not do any yelling or anything. He kept his act up with everyone else though. Cause Kirishima deserved that after what he did for him.

Bakugo's chest hurts everytime he thinks of Kirishima. He has strong feelings for him and he can never say them. If Kirishima got to close he would see the monster he truly was. Worse then the angry hot head act he has been doing. Though not all of the anger is an act he does get carried away sometimes without thinking. Bakugo snaps back to the present as the skinny frail once number one hero walked in. Bakugo frowns still thinking that All Might's retirement was his fault.

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