Three Month Anniversary

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Living with Kirishima has been amazing. We wake up together and get ready together then eat breakfast together. We have been close together and when I have my little depression meltdowns he comes to my side and helps me through it. He recently became a pro hero as well and we celibated with a small party with friends. I made my way up to the top ten in this short of time as well. Kirishima is very proud of me and all that am accomplishing.

"Hey you spacing out Babe?" Asked Kirishima waving his hand I front of me. "Ah sorry. I was just thinking about...these past months" I said looking out the window of the fancy restaurant. "Hmm yeah. We been getting closer and you're just climbing to the top. I mean top ten" said Kirishima with a wide smile. I smirk. "Also today's our third month anniversary soo.." said Kirishima. "Third month anniversary? I thought it was one year" I chuckled. Kirishima smiled wide and looked down. I lifted a brow. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing I was just thinking" said Kirishima. "Tell me" I said before taking a sip of my drink.  "Ooff well uh..ugh. This might be a bit too fast but fuck it" said Kirishima standing up. I look at him confused for a moment. "Bakugo Katsuki, your the shooting star in my dark universe. You make my day worth something, you are the love of my live. So..uh will you be mine forever and marry me?" He asked getting on one knee. He pulled out a box and opened it. A ring. I froze. Holy fuck this is not happening!? Omg he loves me this much!? Fuck! "So is that a-" "Fuck yeah I will" I said standing up. He slips the ring on my finger as people around the restaurant clap.

"Am so glad you said yes..I was seriously about to shit myself" said Kirishima laughing as we walked out of the restaurant. "Well I am shocked you proposed" I said smiling at him. "Yeah...god I love you so much Katsuki" he said with a wide smile. Dam this sunshine. I smiled wide as well. "I love you too" I said before kissing him on the lips. "Woo am so pumped and happy right now. I bet I would out run Iida right now" said Kirishima laughing. I laughed as we walked to the car.

Kirishima drove as I looked out the window smiling. Part of me still feels unworthy to be have this ball of sunshine. But most of me is glad to have him and I don't ever want to loose him. I look over at Kirishima who was singing along to a song on the radio. I laughed and sang along with him. He laughed and we sang the whole car ride back to the apartment. I really truly love this sunshine of a man. And I would never trade him for anything. Kirishima grabs my hand and laughed as he leads me inside the apartment.

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