Pro Hero

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I woke up to Kirishima gently shaking me. "Sorry its just its getting late you should work on dinner" said Kirishima. I sat up and yawned. "Did you have a good dream?" Asked Kirishima. "Yeah.." I said as I stood up. Kirishima chuckled and changed the channel. "Did you by chance see the news earlier" said Kirishima blushing. "Uh..yeah" I said blushing. I quickly made my way to the kitchen and started the curry. I heard Kirishima's laugh as I gathered the pots. 

I set the table after getting the curry made. I placed our plates of curry on the table and put some glasses down next to them. "Its done" I said looking in the fridge. "Hmm smells delicious. Oh I want milk with mine" said Kirishima sitting down at the table. I grab the milk and sit down at the table next to him. I pour the milk into his cup then into mine. "Thank you for the meal" he said before taking a huge spoon full. I eat as he praises the food. "Its soooo good~" said Kirishima with closed eyes. I chuckled and continue to eat.

"So how was your day or week so far?" Asked Kirishima taking a sip of milk. "Its been okay. Oh uh Endever told me am ready for the pro test" I said looking at Kirishima. Kirishima swallows and cough's a little. "Woah that's great news. When are you going to go do it?" Said Kirishima with a wide smile. "In a couple days I think" I said before taking a sip of my milk. "You never stop surprising me you know. You always keep going up in the world before anyone can stop you. Your like a shooting star" said Kirishima looking into my eyes. I blush and look away. "Thanks..." I said as I finish my curry.

Two days went by rather quickly. I woke up to my phone going off. I answered it. "Hello?" I said sitting up. "Hey babe, I was just wondering if you want me to come with you to your test? Oh I also want to talk to you about something" said Kirishima on the phone. "Yeah..okay" I said standing up from my bed. "Okay great I will be over in just a sec. Love you bye" Said Kirishima. "Yeah" I said before hanging up. I had a light blush to my cheeks as I got ready. "Honey am home" yelled Kirishima walking in. I roll my eyes and pull on some black jeans.

We quickly had breakfast and then drove all the way to the hero agency. I put in for my test and waited in the hall with Kirishima. We sat down at the benches and waited. Finally I was called in for testing. It was a written test followed by a physical test. They push you hard but that's to be expected. I waited in the testing room for my results. A small lady with bright orange hair walked in with a smile in her face. "Well Ground Zero your a pro hero now! Congrats. Here is your papers" she said handing me a folder and shaking my hand.

I walked out of the room and into the hall. Kirishima looks up from his phone. "How did it go?" He asked. I walked up to him and kissed him on the lips. "I fuckin got it" I said as he looks up with wide eyes. "Omg I knew you would! Am so proud of you Babe!" Said Kirishima hugging me tightly. "Lets go out to eat to celebrate" I said looking at the floor. Kirishima smiled wide and held my hand as we walked out of the building.

We stopped at our favorite restaurant and ordered a meal to share. We sat at the table in the far corner. "So you mentioned that you had something to talk about?" I asked. Kirishima turns red. "Ah I forget. Um uh yeah well" said Kirishima looking down at the floor. "Spill it" I said. He's probably going to break up with me. "-and so I wanted to ask you ..if you would uh move in with me? Or I can move in with you since yours is better than mine" said Kirishima shly. My eyes widened. "Uh.." I was frozen I didn't believe he just said that. "You do-" "Yes" I said interrupting
him. He smiled wide and looked at me. "Really?" He asked. "Yeah, but my place. Maybe in the future we can get a house" I said looking off to the doors to the kitchen. "Yeah yeah definitely" said Kirishima happily.

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