Extra: Family

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I walked into the apartment to grab the last box. I looked around to see if I missed anything. "Babe am going to deal with Jeff. Can you bring the last box down for me?" Asked Eijiro from the hall. "Yeah" I yelled back. Eijiro and I just bought an amazing place near the ocean. Its got the view and everything I wanted in a house. Its a modern house with all the touch screen bull shit.

I walked down to the car and stuffed the last box in the back seat. "Ready to roll out?" Asked Eijiro walking up to me. "Yep all things are accounted for" I said getting in. Eijiro smiled and got in as I started up the car. "Our own place finally! Am so excited" said Eijiro bouncing in his seat. "Yeah yeah calm down, am trying to drive" I said as I pulled the car into traffic. "Oh now we can get a puppy. I always wanted a fluffy son of my own" said Eijiro looking out the window. I blush. A son. What if we adopted a little boy. We could be a family. My family.

I pulled up to the house house and we got out. "I will get the big boy boxes. They are super heavy and I don't want you to hurt your back" said Eijiro popping the trunk. I roll my eyes and grab the boxes from the back seat. I wonder if Eijiro would want kids. Like instead of a dog. How would we balance  a kid into our lives? Were pro hero's. Though I guess Ei can change his hours a bit so someone is there for him. I put the boxes down inside next to the couch. I look back at Ei. Would he want something like that?

We finished unpacking and I got to admit the house is perfect. Its big but not too big. It has four bedrooms, two bathrooms upstairs and two down stairs. It has a pantry, a full kitchen with a marble counter tops. It has a large living room, a deck facing the ocean and    it has a basement. Its a good first house. "Hey are you feeling okay? You're spacing out a lot" said Eijiro sitting on the couch. "Yeah am fine. Just thinking" I said throwing the last box away. "What you thinking about?" Asked Eijiro as I walked over. "Well..I started thinking after you mentioned a dog and-" "OMG are we getting a fluffy son?" Asked Eijiro as I sat down next to him. "What? I...ugh" I said as he pulled me into sitting on his lap.

"Hmm tell me then" said Eijiro hugging me. "I was thinking about... adopting kids with you" I whispered the last part. I blush as Eijiro looked at me. "You want kids?" He asked me with a serious face. "Yeah I mean that's the next step isn't it? Get married, move into a house then have kids" I said blushing. "I love you. I've been thinking about kids since we were engaged" said Eijiro smiling. "So..were going to adopt kids?" I said looking back at him. He kissed me. "Yeah when ever your up for it. And how many is up to you" said Eijiro.

I look on my laptop and order things for our future kids. "Hmm excited?" Asked Eijiro looking over at my screen. "I just want to be prepared" I said blushing. "How many did you decide on. Oh we getting a girl?" He asked as I put a pink bed on my cart list. "Two, a boy and a girl" I said trying to hide my screen from him. "Okay, well then we should think of names then" said Eijiro sitting back up in his chair. "They probably already have names idiot" I said putting another item on the list. "Right. But shouldn't we meet or find our future kids? See what they like before decorating a room for them?" Asked Eijiro with a smirk. I roll my eyes.

I drove is to a near by ophanage. I park and look at the building. "You ready for this, to be a dad?" Asked Eijiro. "Were just going to talk to the head mistress and look at kids. We won't be able to to sign the paperwork until...like next week" I said getting out. "Oh I know but am just so excited" Said Eijiro getting out as well. We walked in holding hands. "Ah you must be the Bakugo's. Am Karen I will be helping you find your future children" said a tall brunette. She smiled wide as we introduced ourselves.

"Okay so you want a boy and a girl about the same age? And you want then with either red eyes or black hair or blonde hair. Is that it?" She asked. "That everything I can think of" said Eijiro. "Okay well follow me I have a girl who might fit that" she said as we walked down a hall. She lead us to a play room. She then pointed out a girl with long black hair and bright red eyes. "She is Sakura. A very shy girl and she hasn't shown sighs of a quirk yet" said Karen. "She looks like me a bit" whispered Eijiro. I nod. "Oh and there is another girl over there. She is Aki a very hyper girl. She pointed to a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. "I think Sakura's a good fit for us" said Eijiro. Karen nods and leads us to another play room.

A boy with short blonde hair was in the corner playing by himself. He looked up at us as we walked in. He had dark red eyes. Darker than mine, almost black. She pointed out another boy to Eijiro. "What about the kid in the corner?" I asked. They look over. "Oh that's our problem child. His name is Natsu" she said with a frown. "I want him" I said. Eijiro smiled and Karen lead us back to her office. "Well you two seem to have picked. I will set up a time for you to introduce yourself  to them. I will also inform them later today that someone is thinking of adopting them" she said sliding paperwork over to us.

We go through the paperwork and go home. "Why the shy girl? I don't remember you being shy" I said as we sat on the couch. "Well..I was. I was actually bullied right up to Middle school. That when I met Mina and died my hair red" said Eijiro. "Oh you never told me that.." I said looking away. "Yeah but I see why you choose that trouble maker" said Eijiro changing topic. "Yeah..he might be misunderstood. He might hate himself like I did" I said looking at Eijiro. He smiled and kissed me. "Well either way were going to be a family" said Eijiro.

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